Friday, March 06, 2009

Karpal v Selangor UMNO Youth: The other side of the story

One of the UMNO Youth fellas that confronted Karpal Singh the other day in parliament is an old friend of mine. I know him since since our schooling days back in Kuala Kangsar. Latt Sharizan is now the UMNO Youth Chief of PJ Utara. Cultured & very friendly, that's how I would describe the guy. I was amazed to see him on the front line on the day of the incident. Really! One thing I know, the guy is not a gangster. Trust me, you wouldn't want to send him if you want to intimidate someone the samseng way. Sorry Latt, I just can't imagine you fighting bare hands, one to one even with Gobind Sr., let alone taking on Karpal Jr. himself lah.. hahaha

Tansrimat the blogger has informed me that Latt has posted in his website their side of the story of what had actually taken place that afternoon. We have heard stories from the PR's side pertaining to the incident. In all fairness, let us read the Selangor UMNO Youth side of the story.


Kami ingin menyatakan seperti berikut:

1. Ketua-ketua Pemuda UMNO dari Selangor hadir ke Parlimen atas dasar jemputan sebagai tetamu untuk diadakan perbincangan dan makan tengahari. Jauh sekali untuk berada di Parlimen semata-mata untuk menimbulkan kekecohan sebagaimana yang dituduh oleh Ahli-ahli Parlimen Pembangkang dari DAP di dalam Dewan Rakyat.

2. Tiada sebarang bentuk kekasaran mahupun serangan dilakukan terhadap YB Karpal Singh sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh Pembangkang dari DAP dan disiarkan oleh beberapa akhbar tempatan. Jikalau pun ada pihak yang mengadu terkena tepis, ia hanyalah lantaran lambaian tangan oleh semua pihak di dalam kekalutan yang berlaku sewaktu babak kedua.

3. Kekecohan hanya berlaku apabila ahli-ahli Parlimen DAP datang kemudiannya (sepertimana dirujuk sebagai Babak Kedua). Pada waktu itu, YB Karpal Singh sudahpun mula meninggalkan kawasan insiden.

4. Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya EMPAT insiden provokasi, keganasan dan/atau kekasaran yang dimulakan serta dilakukan terhadap Pemuda UMNO oleh YB Wakil Rakyat Pembangkang DAP.

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

I wish i could believe you.BUt then the more i watch TV3 and read utusan and berita harian, the more it makes me not to beleive you. why?
WE got to agree that there are gud people( like latt) and bad people everywhere and in any organization.BUt then , when you spin out of control and force people to believe lies and not uphold the truth , then what choice is there for ordinary people like me? MY religion tells me to uphold the truth.MY parents and teachers taught me likewise
BUt now i am forced into believing whatever the gov says thru TV3, utusan and berita harian is the gospel truth.
SO if i choose to believe what you say about latt, i should also have a choice what to believe as a truth. dont you think likewise?

Sang Algojo said...

Ooo, rupa-rupanya depa berdiri gitu je bercakap dengan Karpal. Mcm berbincang la gitu. Takde la macam suratkhabar tunjuk mcm tgh bergomol. Aku tengok dlm video si botak Lim Lip Eng tu yang lelebih, siap sound "lu sapa" lagi. Kalau kat Malaysia ni sound gitu mmg carik pasal la..

Apa yang iye nye, media pun sudah kasi putar ni cerita, nampak mcm UMNO serang OKU. Apa la media, malu betul.

Amel Hanan said...

A picture can deceive the eyes of the beholder... therefore, a thousand words that a picture tells may well be a thousand truths or a thousand lies. Or maybe a combination of both.

Kebenaran yang mungkin dan tak mungkin. Two sides of a coin reflect different faces.

So how do we take the weight of reality from its face value? It is up to people whether to believe the media or their own instincts.

Premium Business said...

Seperti kita bertembung dengan satu tragedi kemalangan jalanraya, apa yang kita saksikan sebenarnya tidaklah begitu tepat kerana apa yang kita lihat ialah selepas kemalangan.

Kadangkala kedua dua pihak sendiripun tidak pasti bagaimana dan apa punca kemalangan itu boleh berlaku dengan tiba tiba.

Tetapi siapa yang akan mengaku bersalah...

Anonymous said...

aku pun kenal latt, tapi ko tak kenal anak omar din

Anonymous said...

OKU or no OKU, I dun care. If he need and deserves to kena balun, balun gi lah.

What is there to protect. sent Karpal and his wheel chair back to Punjab lah.

MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73

Anonymous said...

In the first place who are these people to confront Karpal in parliament. It was in the course of debate in parliament did Karpal utter the word pemuda umno celaka. It was a natural reaction coming from an OKU, who was sent 2 bullets to threaten his life. This was after 100 polis reports were lodged against him by pemuda umno. It was natural for him to suspect, it was the work of pemuda umno who sent the bullets--if not who dare to sent him bullets if not for the polis anjing's protection. Even a small child can make a conclusion after watching the video that there were about 7 men who had surrounded the wheelchair bound Karpal and his assistant.They were threatening and shouting at him. When his son came to rescue his father--these thugs went after him. In the commotion I can hear one person saying the word pukima.I can also see Omardin barking like a pariah dog-trying to project that he is a worrior. If he is a real man--he should go to Palestine and defend them against the might of Israel--he will have no chance to come back--instead he will find his place in the liang lahad of Palentine ---especially the heartles MRSM Kalae Chepo who wants to whack Karpal--go and whack the Israelis if you dare.
Anti Pemuda Umno

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan Lawyer,

I got to know Latt when I once visited MCOBA office for a discussion few years back. He is a kind of soft spoken person.

That particular punjabi was the reason for my nick name piggy singh, and now we've got two of them.
