Friday, April 24, 2009

What scandal, Fairus?

PKR is playing hard to get with their former DCM 1? Damn, this people must have really love by-election(s)! Then again, I bet Guan Eng is not feeling good about this. After all Fairus has said that it is either his name being cleared (read: reinstate to his former glory?) or get ready for an expose of a scandal involving the state government & the Pakatan Rakyat.

KUALA LUMPUR: Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin, who quit as Penang Deputy Chief Minister 1 and as Penanti assemblyman, has given PKR a two-week deadline to clear his name, saying he would otherwise expose a state government and party scandal.

In an exclusive interview with Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau, he said he had inside information related to the internal operation of the Pakatan Rakyat opposition alliance.

What shall it be, Fairus? Care to elaborate on the above? This is, after all, the C.A.T government that we are talking about. Must not only be clean but it must also seen to be clean maaa...

Update 4.52pm

Okay, okay.. we get it. He resigned, period. It's water under the bridge, I get it. Let us hold hands & sing Kumbaya! Read Anwar Ibrahim's latest here and Din Merican's here. Fine, I understand, you guys really want that by-election (and err..our former DCM 1 really, really, really wants to further his studies), but what about that "state government and party scandal" talk from him? Just another BN's media manipulation (conspiracy/anti-PKR campaign)? Resignation is not retractable they say, what about that "scandal-icious-expos`e" warning he was harping on last week, retractable ke?


Premium Business said...

Elok kalau kita kurangkan reaksi khusus kepada kes terpencil dan penuh agenda seperti ini kerana mereka memang memerlukan tindakbalas melampau dari rakyat untuk nampak terus relevan.

Tumpukan kepada isu yang lebih besar, liberalisasi dan keputusan kabinet mengenai Islam sedangkan soal ugama adalah bidangkuasa Sultan Melayu.

Mari kita nilaikan bersama samada bantahan lebih 100 NGO Islam mendapat perhatian pemimpin Islam dalam PKR, PAS dan UMNO atau mereka masih mahu membelai bukan Islam sekadar untuk mendapat undi di pilihanraya.

bro brotherhood, said...

As-Salam Bro LK,..

Heheh,..apo nak dikato,..nak heran apa bro kalo bro Fairus tak expose pun.. $$$$$ green eyed human r unpredictable.. so we can assume or suspect dat money is involved again.. knowing bro AnWar money GIFT is part of his way of life,.. nak tolong melayu cara dia dolu dolu le masa bg pink form tu arr,..heheh,... wat else can I say,..(",)

Yg pelik nya bagi gue yg tak berparti dan tak mendaftar ni heran gak ngan telatah penyokong PR yg Melayu ni,..tak sayang bangsa kot,..ish,..ish,..ish,.. puak Cina & India dah bersatu di balik tabir, org Melayu bila lagi???

Pok Amai Amai
Belalang Kupu Kupu
Tepuk biar ramai
Sampai hancoq anak cucu.... apo nak dikato,..heheh,..(",)

Lawyer Kampung said...

salam bro brotherhood aka CT. How are you bro? Long time no see ;-) Where have you been sir? Nice to have you back :-)

Unknown said...

salam Mr.LK

Another story to make Malaysian more politiking? Just to tense up the political situation and distract the DS Najib administration and everyone now is waiting about the exposure of the scandal.
I don't know whether Fairus follow the footstep of Anwar Ibrahim by keeping the 'new and gempak' story so that people will stay alert with them.
I wonder.

Rocky Pru said...

kalau kata cina dan india dah bersatu di balik tabir, org melayu bila lagi?
hehe..bersatu dalam UMNO ker? kenapa pulak tak boleh bersatu dalam PAS?
atau org islam jer boleh bersatu dalam PAS, org melayu bersatu dalam UMNO?
hehe...kalau kat akhirat esok boleh dibawak title bangsa ni, then baru lah org melayu dan org islam akan bersatu dalam UMNO...