Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Nak tengok bicara ka, nak cheering ka?

2.37pm: PKR strategic director Tian Chua still barred from entering courtroom with banner. About 20 PKR members and supporters, led by Tian Chua and former Gerak Malaysia chief Nazri Yunus, start chanting “Reformasi” and other slogans. They carry banners declaring “Perhimpunan bantah fitnah ke-2.”

2.25pm: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang arrive. Shouts of “Reformasi” ensue.

2.23pm: Subang MP R. Sivarasa arrives and joins PKR strategic director Tian Chua in trying to convince the police to allow the latter to carry the banner into the courtroom.

2.22pm: PKR strategic director Tian Chua tries to enter the court carrying a folded banner and is stopped by the police and Special Branch officers. With him are three supporters including Kampung Hj Abdullah Hukum PKR chief Roslan Mat, who are seen trying to negotiate with the police.

Laporan di atas dari The Star Online, baca kat sini.

Macam-macam perangai dok ada... yang si Tian Chua ni nak bawak banner masuk court room nak buat apa? Takdak ke kawan-kawan dia nak pegang banner ni while he's in the court room? Ada emas ka atas banner? Yang Sivarasa ni pun macam tak pernah masuk court... bila masa orang bawa banner masuk court? Awat mau cheering kot? Pom-pom, gendang-genderang tak mau bawak masuk sekali ka?

Terlebih strategi brader strategic director PKR nih...

Ingat court ni sarkas ka apa ka? Bawak kacang banyak-banyak la lain kali kalau nak masuk, boleh jual, and those kat public gallery boleh enjoy makan kacang macam sambil tengok sarkas...

....errr, LCD, Plasma 60 inches, LED TV ka tak mau bawak masuk sama ka? What about kereta bomba, kepala keretapi, basikal, tak teringin bawak masuk jugak ka?

..macam-macam dok ada....

Updated 4.10pm

Live report kat sini.


Anonymous said...

Bro tolong semak sama ada YB-YB ni yang jadi PEGUAM perlukah mereka MELEPASkan jawatan mereka (tak boleh practice law) semasa jadi YB??

Anonymous said...

Bukan apa..kalau polis tangkap atau halau..bleh laa kata polis tak bertanggungjawab...boleh maki polis ..biasalaa puak puak geng anwar niee.

Lawyer Kampung said...

Bro Syamsul, setahu saya mereka memang boleh practice law cuma tidak boleh pegang apa-apa jawatan di dalam Bar Council ataupun Bar Committee, itu saja.

Tetapi personally saya rasa seelok-eloknya adalah lebih afdal untuk para wakil-wakil rakyat untuk menumpukan sepenuh masanya kepada parliament, DUN dan pengundi mereka dan berhenti seketika dari professional practice.Jadilah a full time servant of the people ;)

anon, terimakasih untuk komen.

bzz said...

dia mau jadikan mahkamah itu macam AF. Afundi Anwar.... Kalau tak cukup undi, anwar bawak beg, gi sg buluh.

cikgu kampung-bred said...

Bro lawyer, nak cheering kena pi practice dulu kat TAR Hall..tepuk kena kasi sama and berhenti mau smart on the dot. Kalau tak, siap lah kena sound dgn F5. Dalam courtroom itu brader Anwar boleh jadi cheerleader. Tapi with the bukit likes of LKS and TC, terbelit2 lah lidah kontot depa nak nyanyi Sirih Pinang or Barisan.

Premium Business said...

Kalau tengok perangai siva dan chua, tepatlah kata kata Nasir Safar.

Nak melacur nak mabuk pun kena ada tempat yang sesuai.

Unknown said...

salam sir
quite disgusting to see how our MP did..macam xpenah masuk court xtahu adab dan prosiding mahkamah.sangat memalukan.
orang macam ni ka kita nak pilih jadi PM?

Semerah Padi said...


Memang dari jenis yang tiada beradab.


"Hidup biar beradab sopan"

Semerah Padi

Anonymous said...

I read that the Bar Council is holding a watching brief in this case.
As you are a lawyer, perhaps you can explain what is the Bar Council's interest in this case. And also, what does "watching brief" really mean?
Thank you

Lawyer Kampung said...

bzz, :D

cikgu kpg-bred, kena bungwak, bungwek-wek seround kot ;)

kluangman, apo nak dikato bro :)

zharif, appreciate the comment bro :)

Semerah Padi, adab, tepat sekali ;)

anon, watching brief is held to protect the rights and interests of 3rd party not directly involved in the ongoing case. They are there to function merely as an observer; for crime victims, the defendant (from malicious prosecution), witnesses etc... The Bar Council interests in the case, you asked? I would love to answer that they are there because of all the above, but somehow or rather I can't... dunno why :D maybe it's just me. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Setzen, sechs!