Saturday, May 30, 2009

Penanti, Selamat Mengundi!

Posting Asal 10.06PM 30/5/2008

Penanti, Selamat Mengundi!

Esok orang Penanti keluar mengundi. Mari kita ucapkan selamat menunaikan tanggungjawab sivil kepada mereka dan kita galakkan mereka untuk seramai yang mungkin untuk keluar mengundi. Jangan pula kita kempen untuk mereka jangan keluar mengundi, itu menyalahi undang-undang!

Kita faham ramai yang bersimpati dan prihatin dengan nasib orang Penanti kerana tidak semena-mena perlu keluar mengundi. Tanpa ribut, tanpa taufan kata orang, tup-tup mengundi lagi! Tapi apakan daya, itu yang kita praktiskan selama ini, terpaksalah juga mereka keluar berbaris pagi-pagi besok, walaupun untuk kali ketiganya dalam tempoh tidak sampai 16 bulan. Angkara siapa, sebab apa dan kenapa, satu Penanti hinggakan ke Bayan Baru sudah tahu, satu negara sudah maklum mengapa ianya jadi begitu. Walaupun ada orang Penanti yang skeptikal untuk hala tuju dan perubahan yang boleh dikecapi hasil daripada proses pembuangan undi ketiga mereka sejak Mac 2008 ini, mereka tiada pilihan lain. Mengundi tetap perlu mengundi. Itu tanggungjawab, itu hak, usahlah disia-siakan. Banyak kos yang telah dibelanjakan oleh mereka yang bertanding dan juga oleh kerajaan. Rugilah kalau kita tidak mengundi.

Walaupun mungkin agak membebankan (kerana perlu mengundi dan mengundi lagi), tetapi masih ada kebaikan di sebalik apa yang berlaku. Sekurang-kurangnya para pengundi di Penanti sudah tahu apakah kelemahan, kekurangan dan segala macam masalah dalaman parti wakil mereka sebelum ini. Sekurang-kurangnya juga, wakil rakyat selepas ini dan gagasan yang diwakilinya boleh mula sedar kekurangan diri dan mungkin boleh mula belajar bermuhasabah diri sendiri dengan mengakui segala macam masalah dalaman dan luaran serta berazam untuk berbuat sesuatu demi memperbaikinya.

Harapan kita kepada yang akan menjadi wakil pengundi di Penanti, beliau nanti tidak akan mengulangi karenah wakilnya yang terdahulu, itu sahaja. Kasihankan lah pengundi, sesekali mereka mengundi itu bukannya untuk keluar mengundi sampaikan 3 kali dalam masa 16 bulan. Mereka mengundi untuk memilih wakil kepada rakyat, bukan wakil kepada parti politik atau gagasan yang menang dalam pilihanraya tersebut.

Kepada bakal wakil rakyat Penanti yang baru, berkhidmatlah sebaik mungkin, rakyat didahulukan, prestasi diutamakan. Pastikan anda benar-benar menjadi "fajar baru" kepada orang Penanti. Selagi belum ajal, berazamlah untuk bekerja sungguh-sungguh untuk sepenggal hayat DUN, tak perlulah pergi sambung belajar atau sebagainya di dalam tempoh tersebut. Itu tanggungjawab anda.

Selamat Mengundi orang Penanti, moga-moga, selepas besok, anda semua tidak lagi perlu lagi keluar mengundi sebelum Pilihanraya Umum yang ke-13 nanti!

Dikemaskini 8.09PM 31/5/2009

Tahniah kepada calon PKR yang berjaya mengekalkan kerusi DUN Penanti. Kemenangan bergaya dengan majoriti lebih besar (5, 558 undi), tetapi dengan jumlah undinya berkurangan (merosot lebih kurang 1, 300 undi) daripada keseluruhan jumlah yang diperolehi calon yang terdahulu. Dengan peratusan keluar mengundi menurun mendadak kali ini, adakah ini satu-satunya penyebab kemerosotan jumlah undi yang diperolehi calon PKR kali ini berbanding yang terdahulu? Adakah penyokong-penyokong hardcore BN memang tidak keluar mengundi langsung hari ini? Baca laporan keputusan PRK Penanti hari ini di sini. Apa pun tahniah kita ucapkan kepada bakal Timb. Ketua Menteri 1 P. Pinang yang baru. Semoga dapat berkhidmat kepada negeri ini dengan lebih baik lagi daripada yang sebelum ini.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Zaid, oh Zaid!

...Oh no! The all-savvy man, Zaid Ibrahim has fallen into the trap... then again on 2nd thought are you part of the trap, the bait, brother Zaid? You asked whether the same reaction will be made if Chin Peng is Malay? My, oh my.. what can I say.. sooner or later you'll show your true colours..

Let me start with this, may I ask who started the controversy? Who drew first blood? Who has been tirelessly fanning the fire just like what a sate man would do to his sates? Certain quarters are really going for broke on this one, concertedly spinning to make it a racial issue. Hoping those from the other side would jump, the way they want it to be. But when the other party confronted them with valid arguments, without having to lace the answers with racial overtones, the people who started the spin sudah jammed. Then they'll begin to ask exactly like what you are asking below;

“I wonder if Chin Peng were a Malay, would our stand and emotions be the same?”

Zaid noted that Utusan Malaysia was campaigning aggressively against Chin Peng, and while he agreed that the former communist leader was “cruel,” he pointed out the “cruel” communists included former fighters such as Rashid Maidin and Shamsiah Fakeh who were allowed to return home to Malaysia.

Read Zaid attacks racial overtones in anti-Chin Peng campaign

The answer to that distasteful rhetoric Mr. Ex-De Facto Law Minister is (if you really wanted to know that is, which I don't think you do), while others such Rashid & Shamsiah have had openly renounced their communist stands and idealism, Chin Peng has not. He has not even apologized to Malaysians concerning the many years of cruelty and terror CPM have caused. The Brits have been long gone, but he continued with his barbaric guerrilla warfare, targeting innocent victims and patriots of the country, circa 1957-1989 AD. The cruel acts during those years warranted at the very least an official unqualified apology from him, if not to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Did he apologize to you?

Then again, let us not get bogged down by an issue such as Chin Peng, CPM. It's a done deal when Federal Court handed down their decision for his application to return to Malaysia. What we should beware instead are the dirty tactics of certain parties, creating unnecessary tension with controversies such as the one here with regard to CP's return. CP is just the pawn. Don't be an idiot and start to question using racial-laced arguments just to spice things, like what our ex- de facto law minister did here. Every time you are confronted with this sort of thing, ask yourself, "who started the fire?, "who will benefit the most out of the mischief & unnecessary tension created". Then my friend, you'll see that it is never racial, it is never an issue at all. You'll also realize that it is just a political ploy, one after another, from parties that need some elements of chaos and controversy to constantly present itself within the system, so that they will remain relevant.

They need to continuously stoke our sentiments with issues, stir up controversies such as the one in Perak, on education and the current CP saga, ensuring the same to prolong itself, en route their journey to Putra Jaya. If you understand that, you'll be fine. Let us not fall for that, shall we?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tak habis-habis dengan Chin Peng, PKM...

Dah naik menyampah tengok perangai manusia yang acap liberal, kununnya perjuangkan hak asasi kemanusiaan bercakap dan mengagung-agungkan kepala komunis no. 1 Malaya. Sedarlah diri sedikit.Bercakap pasal hak asasi atau ada agenda lain di sebalik tabir?

Ada yang sampai memperingati hari ulangtahun penubuhan PKM (tak nampak pula di dalam penulisan mereka pernah mereka memperingati hari ulangtahun ATM, PDRM umpamanya dan menulis mengenainya dengan nada dan semangat yang serupa).

Bercakap tentang hak asasi tetapi tak tahu nak imbangi antara kepentingan individu dengan kepentingan umum. Itu bercakap guna kepala lutut. Kalau terlampau taksub dengan PKM dan supremo No. 1 PKM, kenapa tidak guna saluran mahkamah sekali lagi? Buktikan anda ada locus standi dan failkan permohonan sebagai pencinta PKM untuk bawa pulang Chin Peng. Bagilah segala macam alasan yang sering diperkatakan di dalam blog-blog pro dan apologis PKM. Cakap sahaja tak guna, cubalah!

Nak bercakap fasal perjanjian perdamaian kunun. Tidak hormat perjanjian perdamaian kunun. Itu perjanjian bersyarat. Perjanjian letak senjata, menyerah kalah. Ada syarat yang telah dipersetujui. Siapa yang nak langgar syarat sekarang bila nak balik semula ke Malaysia?

Dah tak jadi ancaman kepada negara? Itu bukan soalnya. Ramai lagi yang merengkok di dalam penjara yang sudah tidak lagi jadi ancaman kepada negara, yang telah insaf. Kenapa mereka masih lagi ada di sana, terus menjalani hukuman setimpal dengan kesalahan lampau mereka?

Ada beratus ribu manusia yang bergelar anggota dan bekas anggota keselamatan di dalam negara ini, tetapi perasaan si pengkhianat seorang itu juga yang diutamakan. Pelik bin ajaib!

Nak tanya sikit, Parti Komunis Malaya dan fahaman komunisma ini dah tak diharamkan lagi ke? Bila pula dah jadi halal semula?

Monday, May 25, 2009

SSUS: An idea tainted with hypocricy?

The Star reported this; Chinese groups to meet DPM on education issues

Why are they so against the teaching of Math & Science in English. Is it really the usage of English that's bothering them? Why do they want it so bad the subjects be taught in their "mother" tongue? Why not join hands with those against the same method of teaching and demand that the subjects be taught in Bahasa Melayu instead? Why is not our Deputy Minister go on the offensive with regard to this? Can we, the folks watching from the outside, not imply anything from this? But we do not want to do that, do we?

Why when they are doing it it is not racist? When they wanted to meet the DPM and promote their agendas, it's okay but when others wanted to do so, there's malice in the picture. Why can't this group of bloggers meet up with the DPM and convey their thought with regard to the 1 school system? Why the initiative to promote 1 school concept be tagged with hypocrisy, racism etc. when there exist the likes of the 7 groups mentioned in the Star Online above. It's the general idea of promoting unity through the establishment of 1 school concept that should be look into and not the skin colours of the those promoting and supporting the same. The idea is beyond race or politics. Is that so hard to comprehend?

When anti-PPMSI folks want the teaching of Math & Science to be reverted back to Bahasa Melayu, or Bahasa Mandarin for that matter, that's alright, but when the bloggers take it a little further, to promote the idea of streamlining the education process to a single medium, with unity and the building of the Negara Bangsa in mind, suddenly that's a no-no? Who the hypocrites here?

Interesting reads:-

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who will be the next Perak Idol?

Today we have seen Kris Allen made an upset by becoming the 8th American Idol beating most critics and judges' favourite Adam Lambert. Obviously in a contest where chances of winning are 50-50, the result could go either way. The same will be with the upcoming decision of the appeal case between Nizar and Zambry. Slotted for 3.30pm tomorrow at the Palace of Justice Putrajaya, it's anyone guess actually who will triumph. To those warming up to what is install for tomorrow in the Court of Appeal, blog entries of DSN of Small Talk and YB Zulkifli Nordin could shed some light. Read here and here.

Everyone knows that if the law is to take its full course, the decision of the court of appeal is still appealable to the apex court (the Federal Court). And whether parties will resort to other means of settlement to end this impasse, your guess is as good as mine. Whatever it is Perak really needs an idol to lead the state back to political sanity and she needs it fast.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Penanti: Good call!

They say only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Why fight a losing battle now when you have a war to win, just around the corner? Good ole' common sense does prevail in the BN. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel after all...

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) supreme council announced today that the party will not contest the Penanti state assembly seat in Penang, with Datuk Seri Najib Razak insisting it was a political ploy by Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

BN won’t fight for Penanti

With everything that has been happening within PR own turf, in Penanti and elsewhere, I believe most of the good folks at Penanti will come to their senses one day, realizing that the PR Clan is just another bunch of politicians, like the rest of them, good only at talking... The absence (decision) may be the best thing that has happened for the BN during these past weeks. People say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe it just might... in the case of the BN.

"Barisan’s priority is to serve the people and work to revive the country’s economy," said Najib, who is also Prime Minister, at a press conference here Monday evening.

Read more here.

Kurung diri anda sekarang...

Bagi yang menaiki penerbangan AirAsia AK5358 Rabu lalu dari LCCT Sepang ke Penang, kurung diri anda sekarang!

PUTRAJAYA 17 Mei – Kementerian Kesihatan berusaha menjejaki 102 penumpang pesawat AirAsia AK5358 dari Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT), Sepang ke Pulau Pinang pada pukul 11 pagi, 13 Mei lalu.......

...Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Datuk Dr. Ramlee Rahmat (gambar) berkata, kesemua penumpang pesawat tersebut diminta menghubungi Kementerian Kesihatan melalui talian 03-88810200 atau 03-88810300.

Ramlee berkata, semua penumpang berkenaan perlu menjalani kuarantin rumah selama tujuh hari untuk memastikan mereka tidak mempunyai tanda-tanda influenza.

‘‘Sekiranya penumpang ini tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda dijangkiti influenza, maka mereka akan dibenarkan untuk keluar dari rumah,” katanya.

Baca lagi di sini.

Penerbangan 13hb. Mei lepas... hari ini sudah 18hb Mei... hmmmm..

Friday, May 15, 2009

I am with the Bar Council on this!

1. Strongly condemns and denounces the wrongful arrest, detention and interrogation of the LAC Lawyers.

2. Strongly condemns and denounces the blatant transgression of the rule of law and the constitutional right of every person to counsel and access to justice.

3. Strongly condemns the unnecessary arrest and detention of those exercising their constitutional right to assemble peaceably.

4. Strongly condemns the arbitrary, improper and frequent resort by the police to section 28A(8) of the Criminal Procedure Code, thus denying an arrested person access to counsel and making the right provided under section 28A(3) meaningless.

5. Strongly condemns and denounces the appalling treatment of the LAC lawyers and all those held in custody, including compelling them to wear lock up uniforms and unnecessarily handcuffing them.

6. Strongly condemns and denounces the Police for deliberately refusing to disclose to their family or their lawyers any information in relation to the LAC lawyers after their arrest, including their location and their next course of action.

7. Calls upon the Inspector-General of Police to take immediate disciplinary action against the police officers responsible for the unlawful arrest of the LAC Lawyers and in particular, the OCPD of the Brickfields police station for this shameful incident.

8. Calls upon the Inspector-General of Police to take full responsibility for, and to explain, this gross abuse of police power.

9. Calls upon the Government to be committed to and to uphold the Rule of Law as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

10. Reiterates its previous calls on the Government to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) in its original form to serve as an independent external oversight mechanism.

11. Calls on the Government of Malaysia to uphold and defend the fundamental rights of advocates and solicitors to discharge their responsibilities to their clients in an environment free from threats and intimidation and unhindered by law enforcement agencies.

Extraordinary General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar

(15th May 2009)

Motion Dated: 8 May 2009 (Proposed by: The Bar Council President)

read more here.

Read also de minimis on the same issue, here. Further read, Is the Malaysian Bar pathetic? — Art Harun

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Satu Sekolah, Satu Bangsa, Satu Malaysia!

Ke arah permuafakatan bangsa dan demi melihat negara ini terus aman & makmur, saya menyokong sepenuhnya inisiatif yang dimulakan oleh Demi Negara di sini. Baca juga nukilan JMD di sini dan satD di sini.

Sejak kebelakangan ini kita sering dikejutkan oleh pelbagai isu yang menyentuh usaha memupuk dan menyemai agenda perpaduan negara. Segregasi kaum yang semakin menjurang lebar akibat daripada kegagalan memahami aspirasi sebenar penubuhan Malaysia makin menjadi-jadi. Sekecil-kecil isu begitu mudah diperkotak-katikkan untuk dijadikan resipi untuk memecah-belahkan perpaduan nasional.

Hakikatnya sistem pendidikan negara yang menjurus kepada kepelbagaian bahasa pengantar mengikut ras-ras utama negara ini telah sedikit sebanyak menjadi katalis kepada jurang perpaduan kaum yang semakin meluas di masa kini.

Integrasi nasional harus dimulakan dari awal. Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya.


Dipersilakan untuk memuat-turun JPEG Logo di atas untuk diletakkan di blog/website tuan/puan tanda sokongan kepada usaha ini. URL untuk petisyen di atas boleh dilayari dan ditandatangani di sini. Terimakasih kerana sokongan tuan/puan.

Nizar: Now what? (2)

1:15pm The Court of Appeal grants Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir his application for a stay of execution on the KL High Court ruling yesterday that declared Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin the righful mentri besar of Perak. Essentially, it might mean Dr Zambry is mentri besar until his appeal is heard.

Read more here.

See? Now what, Mr. MB (err..not the MB...yet..)?

You want to know what is the effect of the order of stay? Go ask your lawyer(s)... Lagi mau gaduh -gaduh ka?! Politik bermuafakat is in the in thing lah brother.. Takkan Pakatan Rakyat amalkan "politik-tak-mau-pakat" kot? ;-)

More live updates from Malaysian Insider here & on tweeter here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nizar is the legitimate MB: Now what?

Nizar is the rightful MB, the court ruled today. Read it here. The High Court has made its ruling. The judgment is final, not interim as far as the proceeding in the High Court is concerned. All parties must accept the ruling made today. There's no 2 ways about it. Yes, some would say that the losing party is yet to exhaust all legal remedies available to them, but as far as the said High Court matter is concerned, the court has made it's final ruling based on evidences and facts presented before it by both parties. Rightly or wrongly, the court has decided. Respect that.

Okay let's forget about other avenues available to the parties involved e.g. the upcoming stay applications, appeal & cross-appeal & all that legal mumbo-jumbo for a while. I have stated my opinion legally on the matter and as a lawyer I'll stand by it. And so did most of us, lawyers & non-lawyers alike. Let us not dwell on that at this juncture. For now, my question is this, what good is an MB without the majority of the house behind him? What good is an MB without majority of the state legislative assembly backing him up? Can he move forward? Considering all the changes that have taken place during the 7th May sitting of the state legislative assembly, can the MB govern? The chances of him being voted out of office is far greater than the chances of him staying on as MB, and, correct me if I am wrong, few days is all it takes for the speaker to issue the notice for an emergency sitting of the DUN.

Unless of course the PR wants to challenge the 7th May episode in the court that is. That's another matter. But to do that they will be blowing hot & cold as to the sanctity of DUN proceeding which they categorically argue (in the sivakumar's case) as unchallengeable in any courts of law. Challenging it will only lead to further turmoil prolonging the impasse which, I would believe, no level headed Pakatan leaders would want to do. Not when the interest of the rakyat is at stake. Is it not?

Which way Perak should go then?

I watched the news just now. As soon as he emerged as the winner, Nizar gallantly announced that he wanted to seek an audience with the Sultan to request permission to dissolve the state assembly. Isn't that an abuse of the process of the court? You don't go to court & pray for you to be restored as the MB just for the sake of relinquishing the post, do you?

Instead of making the above announcement, why don't he just announce that he will go to the Sultan (and for goodwill purposes, would want to bring Zambry along with him) and together they will request his highness to intervene and advise the 3+1 froggies to resign as ADUN instead & let the people of the 4 constituents decide who they want as their reps and with it decide who would they want as the state government of Perak? Let the Sultan act as mediator, get the froggies to resign and all parties involved abide to this and end all legal tussles currently.

The culprit of this impasse is the 3+1 froggies. The 4 must make way and save the state from incurring unnecessary further losses if it is to hold a state-wide poll. Let the people of the 4 constituents decide.

Boleh ke macam tu Mr. MB?

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Last minute pun last minute lah..

Last minute pun last minute lah.. janji kena tangkap.. Baru Glamer beb!!

4:05pm Tian Chua of PKR arrested outside state secretariat building after refusing to leave area. There was a brief scuffle between him, his supporters and the police.

(5 Minit kemudian, Dewan pun ditangguhkan sine die (tanpa tarikh), kira macam 'sua tengkok' masa-masa kecederaan lah tu!)

:10pm Datuk R. Ganesan adjourns the sitting to a later, unspecified date. Some assemblymen start to leave, but Pakatan reps prepare for a press conference.

Gambar-gambar arkib (Google Images)

(Pic: Gambar-gambar lama, memang hobi lama dia dah kot...)

Baca lagi tentang haru-biru yang melanda kesemua ADUN-ADUN di Perak dan tukang-tukang sebok yang lain hari ini, di sini (The Star Online). Nak tanya sikit, berbaloi ke?

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Appeal to the Sultan? Now, hear my appeal to the Perak's Pakatan Rakyat..

Unker Kit's appeal here.

Now hear my plea pulak; Enough with the politicking. Stop contradicting yourself here & there. Get back to work. Endless bickering is not working! Endless squabbling does not make you a good opposition. Become the better opposition in Perak for the current term than the opposition previously. Start accepting the fact that you are now the opposition in the state & start working, as what you are now, together with the government of the day for the betterment of the Perak state & her people.

There are reasons why there exist an opposition in the westminster system. Politicking 24/7, 365 days a year is definitely NOT one of them...

P/s Then again if you love politicking so much why not start wooing back the 3 froggies lah..who knows you could still become the government come next year.. haha