Friday, July 24, 2009

Another conspiracy, yet again!

Liu scoffed at the allegations and dismissed it as part of a wider conspiracy hatched by the Barisan Nasional (BN) to bring about the downfall of the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government.

“The allegations are pure bull . We are not afraid of any investigations,” said Liu, adding that officers in the land office would be able to testify that everything was above board.

read Bizarre twist to Teoh case

Yeah, right! That's why we have been twisting and turning, jumping and hopping, moon walking and tap dancing like nobody's business these past weeks. It must be the sugar and carbo kicking in. We are one hyper-active lot!

Shame on you, anonymous blogger. We don't do anons. We have RPK, we blogged and then we went walkabout... We are the epitome of self-righteousness ...We, we...weeeeee ..yeah!!!


bro brotherhood, said...

As-Salam Bro Udin aka LK,..heheh,..apo nak dikato,..conspiracy theory ni baguih gak,..wakaka,..dh depa dok main tuduh melulu kata BN trlibat dlm pembunuhan ni maka kena le guna teori konspirasi sbb kita ni pemerhati je tapi kita kena guna logik akal gak,..heheh,..ape pun ni ade satu lagi konspirasi teori pembunuhan Haji Mikaeel Jackson,..lawat le blog gue sambil baca email kat blog gue bro layan le dengar lagu Hj.Mikaeel brtajuk 'Give Thanks To Allah' tangkap shahdu gak,..heheh,..wat else can I say,.. (,")

p.s. bro blog conspiracy theorist1 gue dh tidoq,..wakaka...apo nak dikato,..(,") gara2 konspirasi..:)

Singh Is Kinng said...

We we weee, we got so scared that we wee-wee in our pants.

Anonymous said...

Sdr LK,

Petikan dari Malaysian Insider yg berbunyi:-

Liu said it was very unbecoming of the anonymous blogger to allege Teoh was involved in corruption when he was no longer here to defend himself.

Eh..lain macam je bunyi? Macam ter-over defensive lak? Ada ke "main subject" anonymous blogger tu nak accuse mendiang TBH dengan rasuah? berapa? RM112? Ataupun ini tip yang diberi oleh Liu kepada mendiang sebagai umpan berjinak-jinak?

"Main subject" anonymous blogger tu adalah Liu, bukannya mendiang TBH; dan bukannya seratus dua,malahan beratus ribu. hmmm... cuba kuntau tai ci beruk yang tak menjadi la ni, nampaknya.. sampai terlompat-lompat menceceh begitu sekali...heheheheh..

Antu Idup

Premium Business said...

Tunggguuuuuuuuuu...kelak bagi mereka, Tuhan pun turut bersekongkol dengan BN untuk mengkonspirasikan mereka yang maksum dan mulia.

Bagi mereka Polis, PSRM dan Hakim adalah jahat tetapi dalam keadaan terdesak, cemas pihak itulah juga yang akan didesak membantu dan menyelamatkan mereka.

Lawyer Kampung said...

Bro brotherhood ...nak buat teori konspirasi kena pi belajaq kat blog CT dulu, baru mencabar minda..hahaha..

Singh bhai, u catch my drift bro ;)

antu idup, :-D itulah dianya...

bro kluangman, ya, kita tungguuuuu ;)