Saturday, November 08, 2008

The DP Race

It's official. It's going to be at least a two-horse race & the talk of town is that it is going to be a three-horse race by tomorrow.

Ali Rustam made it today. They say Muhamad Taib too will most likely clinch enough to scrape through by tomorrow. Interesting indeed that Paklah still has his ways in ensuring what he wishes for to come true. While advocating smooth transition for his current post, he is of the opinion that it is better for UMNOniks to fight it out when it comes to the No. 2 position. The perks are certainly getting better for those attending & voting in the next UMNO Assembly. People say, the more the merrier. While it is jolly good for those 'UMNOniks' (borrowing Sakmongkol's word), I do wonder whether it is going to be the equivalent for UMNO, the party itself.

The No. 2 position will certainly become an important indicator to Malaysian at large as to whether UMNO should still be given the mandate to lead the nation come GE 13. The nation would want someone who they feel confident enough to deputize for the premiership, as the next man in line to lead the nation. The UMNOniks have no other option but to deliver us the right man with the right credentials for the job or face the consequences when the nation votes again come next General Election.

Updated 6.45pm 9th Nov 2008

As expected, Mat Taib made it today & he said that the 3-horse race for the deputy presidency is healthy for UMNO. Good luck to him & UMNO on that! UMNO was never in such a superb condition than it is now, right? Right!



Premium Business said...

Antara perjanjian Dolah dan Najib dalam peralihan kuasa ialah Najib tidak boleh 'memihak' kepada Muhyiddin dalam pencalonan sebagai Timbalan Presiden, ia harus dilihat 'terbuka' untuk Dolah cuba memahatkan sebanyak mungkin kroninya.

Jika Najib cuba belot, Dolah juga punya 'senjata' untuk menghalang Najib mara malah mungkin menerima 'padah' yang lebih buruk lagi.

Dengan Rustam layak untuk bertanding dan diikuti dengan Mat Taib, maka agenda Dolah sudah berada dalam landasan yang betul dan kita akan lihat salah seorangnya akan menarik diri di saat akhir memberi sokongan dan laluan kepada salah seorang lagi untuk menjadikan pertandingan dua penjuru.

Dengan dua calon Mat Taib dan Ali Rustam menjadi satu calon, sokongan akan lebih padu ditambah dengan sedikit kuasa yang masih ada pada Dolah atas kapasiti PM dan selebihnya bergantung kepada 'pelincir' yang begitu banyak mengalir akan menjadi penentu.

Mampukah Muhyiddin mengharungnya sendirian...


Selamat Datang Ke Laman Blog Baru Saya :-)

Singh Is Kinng said...

Wow Mr Kluang, what a theory!!!

Tuan Lawyer, pro Khairy blogs and supporters simultaneously sang the tune of hatred towards Abang Din. These people though not many, still managed to garner enough "questionable" nominations for Khairy.

Judging from the scenario, Khairy will go all out to ensure a win not only for himself, but also to his alliance, and certainly not Abang Din. So setia-kat-wang may extend beyond pemuda circle. Should the pact of "malay mail demon" manage to conquer comes March next year, I'll buy a cangkul to dig a grave for UMNO.

But who cares, we are not in their circle. The good news is Keane managed to end his duck with two west brom's scalps. Mr Ismail N, if you are here, such a spectacular scene to see our favorite enemy gunned down and bled heavily at Highbury.


mamasita said...

Hai LK..all 3 contenders for the Umno DP race will have to use loads of money to buy votes. Sadly its the Umno culture!Tak beri nanti tak dapat undi.On many occasions,many delegates will accept the$$$from all 3.Tapi akan vote sorang je.Not necessarily the highest bidder..the reasons vary.Umno akan hancur if money politics are not seriously tackled and curbed now!!Dah makin teruk perangai delegates!

Mat Cendana said...

People like you, Datuk Sakmongkol, Datin Mamasita etc know a whole lot about this, of course. And Mamasita was just being practical and realistic when she mentioned that, and certainly not condoning.

Well, what can I say? What COULD I say?...the "unimportant, immaterial" people like me in the kampungs whom the politicians only give thought to when it's near the elections.

But just for the record, I'm disgusted with this money politics - with the candidates AND ESPECIALLY the delegates ... These are/will be the people who sold their fellow Malays for "A Fistful of Ringgits".

By NOT electing people "who are better/the best", they/Umno are asking people like me to "support, in the name of Malay unity". Yeah, like hell I will... "Insignificant" I may be as an individual, but there are probably MILLIONS of others who feel like this too.

Premium Business said...


Untuk memastikan satu lawan satu, Mat Taib akan dipujuk supaya menarik diri dan memberi laluan kepada Ali untuk bertanding dua penjuru supaya lebih mudah Muhyiddin ditewaskan.

Macam biasalah, Mat Taib akan enggan menarik diri kerana katanya, dia menghormati pendirian akar umbi yang mahu dia bertanding dan membantu Presiden kelak, dan dia tahu dia mampu berjasa kepada UMNO.

Selepas beberapa adegan, bercumbu dan merayu, biasalah hantaran ditingkatkan beribu kali ganda, cincin emas bertakhta berlian afrika dan sepersalinan serta satu maka Mat Taib pun menarik diri 'demi' perpaduan UMNO. Bagi Mat Taib itu sudah kemenangan pertamanya.

Kenapa agak agaknya kem Paklah beria ia mahu Ali menang. Teori nya senang sekali, sebaik sahaja Ali menang Timbalan Presiden, maka segala 'peluru berpandu, bunga api, mercun, bom akan dihalakan kepada Najib untuk memburukkan imejnya yang sudah calar balar. Bersekongkol dengan pembangkang mereka akan merosakkan imej Najib seburuk buruknya dan ini memaksa Najib untuk berundur dari kedua dua jawatan tersebut atau menghadapi tindakan yang lebih drastik seperti undang undang.

Selepas Najib turun, siapa akan menggantikannya...
Selepas itu - semuanya akan menjadi sejarah.

Singh Is Kinng said...

Salam Tuan Lawyer,

Have my own blog now, pls drop by whenever convinient.


Lawyer Kampung said...

Teori suadara kluangman kita mempunyai kemungkinan yang amat tinggi sekali untuk berlaku. Seandainya salah seorang tersebut menarik diri, maka jumlah pencalonan antara Muhyiddin dan pencabar yang ada adalah sama sahaja. Kita tunggu dan lihat.

Bro Piggy Singh,it sure was sweet to see Keane broke the duck with that brace on Saturday. Bro Mail kita mesti tengah tak senang duduk ni..hahaha macamana dgn Arsenal pun boleh kena ni? Btw I've linked your blog URL here. ;-)

Mamasita, thanks for the comment.It sure is becoming an epidemic.

Bro Mat Cendana, spot on!

Lawyer Kampung said...

Saudara Faizal, thanks for informing. Salam