Wednesday, February 18, 2009

BN's gutter politics?


Poor YB Eli. It is very commendable for what she has done; that is to offer for her resignation due to the misfortune that befalls upon her currently. The fact remains that none of us are sure whether it is done with or without her consent and as such the benefit of the doubt should be given to her until the truth comes out.

Nonetheless the prevailing trend to straight away condemn each and every unfortunate event that fall upon the Pakatan Rakyat's outfit on their Barisan Nasional's counterpart is something rather unsavory. For example in Elizabeth Wong's case, Pakatan Rakyat's leaders immediately claimed that she is a victim of BN's gutter politics without having a shred of evidence in their hands to justify the claim.

It seems that every time something bad happened to PR leaders these days (albeit being personal in nature) must have a certain degree of conspiracy elements in it and the conspirators will be none other than the BN people themselves. If it is that easy why do we need the authority to come in? Come on-lah... Not everything that has happened is politically motivated. For once, can't we just stop pointing fingers and leave that to the proper authority to investigate.

Updated 9.15am

Read also Depa Kata's latest here and from A Little Taffer's Room here.


satD said...

Kesian dia tapi padan muka la...who ask u to go and date a wanker

She should have done a bobbitt baru puas hati !!

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan Lawyer,

Both Umno and Pkr guilty of politicising the issue. Read somewhere lastnight, i think Khir Toyo among the first to judge her, demanding her resignation based on moral grounds.
Question - morality on whose grounds ?
- Kalau ada gambar Najib tidur dengan kain pelikat tersingkap, nak suruh dia resign juga?

Bagus juga ada lawak politik tengah sibuk2 hal Perak but at the expense of Cik Eli. Cuma Umno perlu berhati2 kalau nak beri komen menghukum, fikirkan kesan pada undi bukan Melayu PRK nanti.

satD said...

eh din

lamo tok nampok ape kabar bro?

Sory bro LK...apemacam..dah tiga bukit ni...

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan Lawyer,

Dengan izin... Bro satD! i'm good. Thank you. ur site is a must visit for me too cuma tak reti nak masuk since u go 'intense'. and ur economics talk.. buat saya sedih ! :)
lain kali i bagi salam

mamasita said...

Salam L.K.
since SatD brought out the matter of bobitting, any future hope of the act being legalised? Especially when thats the quickest way of punishing the 'criminal'? hahaha

Premium Business said...

Politik di Jepun dan malaysia sama panas sekarang.

Di Jepun, apabila kanak kanak disoal tentang cita cita mereka - mereka gemar memilih kerjaya ahli bomba walaupun engara mereka tidak sepanas di Malaysia.Berbanding dengan anak anak di Malaysia yang rata ratanya mahu jadi doktor, guru, engineer atau pilot.

Politik di Jepun, apabila berlaku atau terlibat dengan cerita cerita 'panas' - mereka mengambil keputusan dan pilihan meletak jawatan atau berundur sebagai satu rasa tanggungjawab.

Politik di Malaysia - apabila mereka terlibat dengan hal hal 'panas' - apa tindakan mereka ...tentu ramai yang mampu menjawab.

Politik di Jepun, kenapa perlu Soichi Kanagawa letak jawatan? Arak bukan 'haram' untuk orang Jepun, itu hak peribadinya untuk minum - boleh ke hal seperti ini di anggap satu lagi agenda UMNO dan Najib menjatuhkan Nakagawa dalam politik Jepun.

Tentu tak logik kan? tetapi di Malaysia, jika sesuatu berlaku hatta dalam jamban orang Pakatan pun, semuanya akan di kaitkan dengan konspirasi UMNO dan Najib, kalau Najib itu lekeh, kenapalah agaknya ditakutkan dan jadi badi.

Dalam ketika UMNO bermasalah dengan krisis hilang keyakinan dari rakyat, Pakatan juga harus berwaspada dengan reaksi mereka - takut menjemukan untuk rakyat mendengarnya dan menterjemahkannya pula dalam pilihanraya kecil nanti.

satD said...

tumpang lalu bro LK..

intense debate senang aje...i've fixed the bug, now u can see the comment link on the post page...

Tu la Din...kalu politik 24jam pening palo...kena buat selingan sikit sikit cornar kot economics..

Anonymous said...

Please la, it has not be established as a fact that it was the "boyfriend" did it. It was the Yang Berbogel (YB) Elizabeth Wong that said such.

Other suspects could be:

1 - Own self timer camera
2 - Maid
3 - lesbian fiend
4 - a GIGOLO

So, the plot could thicken and more photos and video could surface. perhaps someone is playing a PKR game, timely sequential release...

MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73

satD said...


bobbitting should only be legal under specific circumstances ( i cannot explain i details due to graphic nature of content)nanti bro LK ban me from here :)

MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73

5. Ayah Pin Teapot Predator Drone equipped with see thru camera...

6. Ayah Pin himself.....

Terongpipit said...

ntah-ntah Eli ini lesbo... jadi yang ambil gambaq bogel ialah 'boyfriend'nya... ouch..ouch

Anonymous said...

Malunya bangsa dan agama orang Melayu, wanita2 bertudung berdiri di belakang Elizabeth Wong di sidang akhbar. Nak pertahan apa mak cik oi! Apakah Nuridah Salleh wakili Nik Aziz, Hj Hadi dan pimpinan ulama Pas MERESTUI perbuatan tak bermoral YB DAP? Tak apa ke hidup bersama dgn boyfriend, tak kahwin? Adakah ini akhlak yg diperjuangkan oleh PAS? Insaflah ahli2 Pas. Biarlah PKR saja lindungi peliwat, pemabvk dan penzinah, bukan Pas!

Lawyer Kampung said...

Bro satD, thanks for the comment ;-)

Bro din, itulah hebatnya lanskap politk kita..tak habis2 dengan isu..hebat! ;-) macam tak mau kerja dah... nak berpolitik saja..

mamasita, bahaya tu bobbiting.. :-)

MRSM kale chepo, hahaha.. kawe pung raso nok start balik doh game "timely sequential release" tu..

Terongpipit, terimakasih untuk komen ;-)

anons, terimakasih untuk komen anda.