Tuesday, April 15, 2008

He has the numbers!

So he claimed. Interesting. With a Prime Minister who has "two ears and listen very well", I am not surprised how DSAI could asserted as such. It's going to get more interesting in the days to come, that we can be sure of.
Let's see who dances better!

Anwars says it: I've the numbers to form a govt.
DE FACTO Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim made this stunning claim at a press conference after a police interrupted speech at the Sultan Sulaiman Club, Kuala Lumpur. He wasn't forthcoming with more details. The lawmen were obviously nervous about the size of the crowd at the gathering — estimated at 10,000 within the premises and another 20,000 outside.
Anwar had spoken for about an hour before police cut short his address. He gave reporters his comments on Dr Mahathir's barbs: I've refrained for a long time from responding to Dr Mahathir's vicious and venomous personal attacks. I consider his views obsolete. Unfortunately, he's getting crazier, he's never consistent and has a particular personal agenda to promote Najib and free him from all scandals.
Read more here.

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