Sunday, August 31, 2008


Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke 51. And yes, we obtained independence on 31st August 1957 (not before or after), period. 51 years and counting.

In the words of Tunku, "...mencapai kemerdekaan adalah lebih senang daripada mengekalkannya..." May God give us strength and wisdom to ensure that we remain as "bangsa merdeka" for many years to come.

God bless us all!



Anonymous said...


Ada siapa2 yang tengok siaran langsung kat KL tadi masa ikrar Merdeka? Pasal apa Pak Lah dekat Dataran Merdekat and Najib dekat KLCC? Yang paling pelik tengok ada 3 menteri aje dengan Pak Lah and I think the other cabinet members dekat KLCC.

Entah lah, maybe ada benda kita tak tahu but don't you think they should all be together? And why is there more cabinet members with Najib? Is the cabinet telling the rakyat that we are backing the next PM? Hmm, just can't help to wonder kan. Entahlah. MERDEKA. UNITE......

Lawyer Kampung said...

Tak tengoklah pulak.. :-)