Monday, October 27, 2008

Tak jadi teruskan urusniaga Eurocopter? (2)

Updated 29th October 2008-12.22am

Urusniaga ditangguhkan bersyarat, tidak dibatalkan, sehingga keadaan ekonomi negara mengizinkan. Secara tidak langsung kerajaan akui negara kita tidak terkecuali daripada tempias himpitan kredit ("credit crunch") yang melanda dunia masa kini. Eloklah jika pembesar-pembesar negara mula berpada-pada di dalam membelanjakan wang rakyat.

Penjelasan-penjelasan lain berkenaan beberapa fakta yang meragukan mengenai urusniaga tersebut juga telah dijelaskan secara ringkas oleh paklah (lagi cantik kalau paklah terangkan lebih jelas kenapa terdapat perbezaan harga lebih kurang RM51 juta sebuah daripada yang dikatakan sebelum ini (RM 193 juta sebuah) dengan harga sebenar yang dijelaskan (lebih kurang RM 142 juta sebuah) oleh paklah sebentar tadi). Bukankah baik kalau sentiasa begini, bila ada yang musykil, segera ianya dijelaskan, bila ada yang boleh memudaratkan, pantas tindakan susulan untuk menanganinya.

KUALA LUMPUR: The purchase of the Cougar EC 725 helicopters from Eurocopter to replace the ageing RMAF Nuri helicopters has been deferred until the country’s economy improves, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

The Prime Minister, who is also the Defence Minister, clarified that the cost of the purchase was RM1.7bil. He said the allocation would instead be channelled to other public programmes which provided high trickle-down benefits to the people.

“For the time being, it’s more important to save because we are facing an economic situation connected to the global financial crisis,” he added

Baca selanjutnya laporan The Star Online: Eurocopter deal deferred (updated)

Lebih elok lagi, sekiranya kajian lebih mendalam dilakukan mengenainya, supaya negara mendapat satu jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik dan menguntungkan di dalam mencari pengganti helikopter nuri ini. Walaupun kelak ekonomi negara menjadi baik, ianya bukan bermakna kerajaan boleh sewenang-wenangnya membelanjakan wang rakyat. Sentiasa berikan yang terbaik untuk majikan anda, rakyat negara ini.


Bernama melaporkan hari ini sebagai respon kepada berita yang disiarkan The Malaysian Insider:-

Govt Yet To Discuss Helicopter Purchase

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 (Bernama) -- In the wake of the global economic crisis, the government will have to discuss further whether to go ahead and purchase new helicopters to replace the ageing Nuris in the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

According to a government source, the discussion on it will need the involvement of the Defence Ministry and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

The source said the procurement of the new helicopters was only at the letter of intent stage (LOI) and no letter of award (LOA) had been made to any party.

A posting in the the Malaysian Insider news portal Sunday that Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had cancelled the purchase of new helicopters for RMAF was not true at all, the source said, adding that a purchase of this nature involved many stages, more so because it involved international tenders.


Previous Post

Dengar khabar urusniaga Eurocopter akan dibatalkan. Ini sejajar dengan usaha negara untuk menghadapi dan menangani krisis ekonomi global. Harap-harap tidak ada klausa penalti atau sebagainya dengan pihak Eurocopter yang boleh akibat kerugian lain pula kepada negara jika ini benar-benar berlaku. Apapun syabas kepada pembesar negara kerana peka dengan keadaan sekeliling sekiranya benar-benar urusniaga ini akan dibatalkan atas alasan yang dinyatakan tersebut.

Tidak perlulah kita berlagak seolah-olah kita kebal daripada krisis yang sedang melanda dunia sekarang ini.

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 - Malaysia will ditch the RM2.3 billion Eurocopter defence deal as it battens down to face the global economic storm, sources said today.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri NajibAbdul Razak decided to cut out the EC725 military helicopter contract over the weekend when the government reviewed its expenses in light of falling revenues from crude oil and palm oil and slowing economic growth for the next few years.

"The Eurocopter deal is off due to the bleak economic times ahead," a source told The Malaysian Insider.Opposition leaders and critics had savaged the purchase of the dozen EC725 helicopters, saying its RM193 million price tag per aircraft was more than double of Brazil's contract for 50 EC725 helicopters, which came tom RM84 million per aircraft. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said it will investigate the deal.

Baca selanjutnya laporan The Malaysian Insider Malaysia ditches Eurocopters on gloomy economic outlook


Mat Cendana said...

Ni nampak gaya kena tekan lagi... Silap-silap kalau orang semua tak bising, dia gi sign LOI. Sebelum tu, dia cubalah buat incident - "Singapore ancam ruang angkasa ke", atau "Indonesians dok menceroboh dari Kalimantan ke"... nak bagi nampak "purchase ni needed".

UMgrads said...

Whether it is on or off, PAC must look into the whole deal. Something is not right somewhere with the whole thingy.

mamasita said...

If the govt. has a tight budget at the moment,and if they feel the Eurocopters are really necessary,boleh ke bayar ansur2 macam beli kreta?I know it is probably a ridiculous question!Hehe

Premium Business said...

Tuesday October 28, 2008
Eurocopter deal still on
Negotiations to purchase 12 Eurocopter helicopters for the RMAF are still on, sources said. When contacted Monday, a source said high-level officials of the Defence Ministry had not received any instruction from the Government to cancel the programme.

Premium Business said...

Mat Cendana, tahun 1980 hang masih di Kolej ke, kelas mana atau u senior dari saya setahun..

Dok Kelantan buat apa sekarang..

ABC said...

more than the crisis, one suspicion is the deal might be postponed/cancelled due to the loud noises being made about how the deal was quietly signed by a junior officer? (as claimed by one of the sore loser companies).
so maybe putting the deal on the shelf might have a cooling effect on the aspiring prime minister, as otherwise his pants are on fire due to the allegations?

Anonymous said...

Bro, just dropping by to say congratulations to Liverpool for ending Chelsea unbeaten home run. As for MU, we have not got any luck this season at Merseyside, our favourite hunting ground. But, rest assure that we won’t let any of the Merseysiders return from OT with a single point. Ha ha.

Mat Cendana said...

Laa, hang pun College jugak ya?
1980 kira saya ni seniorlah - 1978 sudah di Upper Six. Dok Kelantan ni sejak 1982 lagi, kerja, tak balik-balik. Dah jadi "sayang nak tinggal"... Dulu saya dok di Bakar Bata.

Singh Is Kinng said...

Tuan Lawyer, after the win I'm still in the state of euphoria, so can't say much about current affair, be it eurocopter, PAKATAN, UMNO or Khairy winning sehati berdansa.

Mr Ismail, definitely Merseysiders will not return from OT with one point. Everton gets nothing while the kops mercilessly grab 3 points. And bye bye now, we're leaving you like a runaway train.

Mat Cendana said...

Tak ingat nak sebut ke Kluangman - Ni, Kak Teh di London, yang blog Choc-a-Bloc pun College jugak dulu. Tiga tahun senior saya...

BTW to Lawyer Kampung and the Liverpool supporters: It's great that your team is doing very well this season. I've had that feeling this will come towards the end of last season when Fernando Torres was doing so well.

I used to support Manchester United. But since my first love Stoke City are now in the premier league, I'm more concerned with them avoiding relegation than to see MU win something. Yes, "sentiments" - they are something, aren't they?

Lawyer Kampung said...

Bro Mat Cendana, setakat mana yang terdaya kita suarakanlah, harap-harap mereka di atas dengar. By the way, bro orang Kedah ka, oghe kelate ko ;-)

umgrads, understand your concern.

mamasita, wow! radical idea :-)

bro rem @ Op-Ed, thanks for dropping by. Agree with what you commented.

kluangman, thanks for the info. Bro kluangman ni pun oghang kampung saya juga ka?

Mail, in your dreams..hahaha

Piggy Singh, yeahhh!! ;-)

Premium Business said...

Mat Chendana, hang seniar banyak..aku uppersix 1980...hang tua, aku muda lagi kahkahkah..

Habaq mai klu sikit sikit how to see you at kelante..i dok pi kok lanas saban bulan.

Asai, jalan pegawai, dekat dengan rumah pak che det