Saturday, May 24, 2008

I pity this people

Perak Umno Youth vice-chief Mohd Ali Mansor, who also attended the meeting, said Mukhriz was a “symbol of rudeness” and the party’s image could be jeopardise if action was not taken against him. Read more The Star Online news report Perak Youth leaders call for sacking of Mukhriz

Pity them. Apparently they feel the image of their party will be boosted if action is to be taken against Mukhriz.

"Democracy"? "Freedom of speech"? "Freedom of Political Expression"? ...Ring any bells brothers? Maybe he is only exercising his rights under the following provision of your party's constitution? Maybe? You guys tell me.

Fasal 6.2 Tiap-tiap ahli mempunyai hak-hak yang berikut:
6.2.1 Bercakap dan mengemukakan pendapat-pendapat dan mengundi di dalam mesyuarat-mesyuarat parti.
(Emphasis Added)

Political maturity indeed. Read also Nuraina A Samad's 3540 Jalan Sudin: What Will Umno Do To Mukhriz?. Maybe they can also take cue from their own VP here, read Utusan Online Bukan budaya UMNO kekang anggota beri pendapat.


Anonymous said...

Tidak semua dalam UMNO setuju dengan Mukhriz dan tidak semua dalam UMNO setuju dengan Paklah. Bagi saya Mukhriz memang berhak bersuara.

Letting the time pass me by said...

UMNO kini semacam sudah tidak ade makna...

Apa yang UMNO dah buat sepanjang 5 tahun yang lepas? Apalah nasib UMNO kini, yang sudah semakin lena diulit mimpi..

UMgrads said...

UMNO needs a new leader, that's all. It's that simple.

Rest In Peace UMNO (11th May 1946-31st October 2003)

Anonymous said...

saye setuju memang dalam perlembagaan umno setiap ahli berhak bersuara dan memberi pendapat.malah ia adalah hak asasi manusia secara amnya. dan ahli2 umno yang cerdik akan dapat membezakan antara kritikan kepada parti atau kepada pemimpin (ketua) semata2.