Semoga ramadan kali ini adalah lebih baik daripada ramadan-ramadan kita yang terdahulu.
Insya Allah.
(Pic: Islam Online)
Where law meets common sense!
...we are the Perak Excos!
"When they enter the office of an exco member, they are not allowed to bring in their bags, big envelopes or handphones," he said, adding that the personal assistants would keep the items for safekeeping until the visitors left the office.
Nga said the state government had to enforce the new security measures in view of the recent corruption allegations faced by exco members Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu.
I read about that in here just now.
Now, what's this all about-lah pulak? Drama apa pulak ni? Entrapment prevention? Come on-lah! It's like putting a sign in front of the new Opposition leader's office in parliament that says, "No cute boys, Ezam or Nallakarupan allowed!" That does not sound right, is it not? Why must you sound and act so defensive?
And please, please, please don't tell me that this is a preview of what the defences will be for the two Excos when the case is heard in court later on. They'll get fried by the DPPs I tell you. And if the Perak state govt thinks that this latest antics is going to be their defence in the court of public opinion, they better think again.
Back to the "important security measure" (borrowing the words of YB Nga himself) stunt, is it the people or yourself that you don't trust YBs?
Ahmad Shabery claimed that Umno had actually expected for Anwar to win in the by-election with an even bigger majority than the one recorded on Tuesday night.
It is not surprising that there are people who believe columnists are told what and how to write and that this is subject to censorship.
When I was invited to write this column two years ago, I asked if there were editorial restrictions on what I could write.
There were none, I was assured, except that if there were anything that could possibly be considered or construed as libellous, an article would be rejected. Media sceptics choose what they want to believe, but that is their right.
In the two years I have been writing, every Sunday without fail, I have only had two articles withdrawn for legal reasons, and I am grateful to the editors for educating me in pitfalls of the laws of libel.
If that is censorship, then I am all for more of the same. It is in honouring the rules and laws that govern the members of a profession that they will be able to conduct their work in an orderly and ethical manner.
Petrol Price Reduced To RM2.55 Saturday
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 22 (Bernama) -- Retail petrol price of RON97 has been reduced by 15 sen to RM2.55 per litre while retail diesel price reduced by eight sen to RM2.50 per litre effective tomorrow, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced here, Friday.
Read also Malaysiakini here
Read more of Sakmongkol's blog entry here and BigDog's piece here.
Just when Arif Shah and the BN thought that they were doing 'alright' (as the underdogs) in Permatang Pauh by-election campaign, huh?
If the spin-masters of BN think that story and pics of the PM taking the train ride, (all of a sudden) getting hands-on with regard the common people's problem is one excellent tool for their by-election campaign, they better think again.
(#The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper, Malaysiakini & Pic: The Star Online)Beliau berkata, perkara itu tidak perlu dibangkitkan kerana sudah berlaku 12 tahun lepas dan merupakan isu Pusat serta tidak patut dijadikan isu pada pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh.
baca lagi di sini.
Seorang manusia yang sukar difahami? Penuh dengan teka-teki bukan? Bolehkah anda memahami kenyataan-kenyataannya di atas? Isu beliau memberikan arahan kepada Koh Tsu Koon berkenaan Business-Focus-SB-yang-bukan-kroni-Anwar itu tidak relevan katanya, kerana:
KUALA LUMPUR 15 Ogos – Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan hari ini mengotakan janjinya bersumpah mengikut syariat Islam untuk membuktikan kebenaran dakwaan dirinya diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Jalan Duta di sini pukul 6.30 petang ini.
Dalam upacara yang berlangsung di Dewan Solat Utama masjid berkenaan, Mohd. Saiful, 23, yang berbaju Melayu coklat menghadap kiblat sebelum melafazkan sumpah berikut:
“Saya Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan dengan nama Allah saya bersumpah saya telah diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 26 Jun 2008 dan pada hari tersebut Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam dubur saya.
“Jika saya berdusta dengan perkara ini, saya berdusta dengan Allah S.W.T dan akan dilaknat oleh Allah S.W.T sehingga hari kiamat.”
Let me tell you a story about wolves today.
In a pack of wolves there is always an Alpha male. Something very peculiar about wolves and wolf pack it is that the hierarchy of the pack is always being tested. The hierarchy is never stable. The testing will be done always by the Alpha male himself.
What the alpha male would usually do is to drop a fresh piece of meat on the ground right in front of the others.
He will then move away. Not far, maybe a couple of feet from where the meat is drop.
Then, he watches.
Clearly he is daring the others to take it away or to even sniff at it. He usually doesn’t have to do anything. A glare from him on the others would be more than enough. The most he would do is to make little bit of gestures or movement with his body. He would raise his tail and ears. Make him to look big and fierce, maybe snarl a bit.
That's all.
None would dare to come close to the prize meat or even to have a sniff at it.
Nonetheless, occasionally a fight does break out. A member of the pack suddenly realizes that he has what it takes in him to challenge the alpha male or maybe he just feels hungry and that piece of meat drop by the alpha male sure does look good.
This particular wolf would then make a move for that meat. What happen next is that the wolf leader, the alpha male will attack the least vulnerable parts of the transgressing wolf's body. Yes, alpha male is cunning. That’s why he’s the leader of the pack. He knows what is at stake. He would not maim the other fellow.
No sir.
He must always test the hierarchy but he must do it without jeopardizing the interests, strength and vitality of the pack. He'll then attack the challenger but he knows he must not seriously injure or disfigure a member of his own pack. Certainly not to the extent of killing the transgressing wolf.
You see, the Alpha male needs the others. Wolves are not big animals. He knows, individually a wolf cannot bring down a caribou or even a deer, without help from the pack.
But at the same time, the leader of a wolf pack wants strength on his team. That’s why infrequent displays of aggression are acceptable. It shows the strength and vitality of the entire pack.
The end.
IPOH 14 Ogos - Naib Presiden Pas, Mohamad Sabu berkata, parti itu akan tetap bersama pakatan pembangkang sambil menyifatkan hubungan Pas dengan Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan DAP telah 'tersimpul mati'.
Katanya, Pas tidak mahu berpisah daripada gabungan pembangkang itu sebaliknya segala masalah yang tercetus dalam pakatan pembangkang akan diselesaikan menerusi konsep musyawarah.
Beliau berkata, kemenangan yang diperoleh Pas semasa pilihan raya umum baru-baru ini adalah atas nama pakatan pembangkang dan kerjasama tersebut akan berterusan sampai bila-bila.
Mohamad berkata demikian semasa merasmikan Muktamar Tahunan Dewan Muslimat Pas Ke-48 di sini, hari ini. - Utusan
Manakala, Naib Presidennya pula dilaporkan berkata seperti di bawah ini;
Nasha: Kenapa tak boleh dekati Umno?
Aug 13, 08 11:40pm-Malaysiakini
Nasharuddin berkata dasar perjuangan PAS yang berpaksikan Islam menuntut dakwah diterapkan kepada semua yang masih belum memahami apa itu Islam yang sebenar.
"Kalau kita boleh bersekutu dengan DAP yang menentang Islam dari dulu sampai sekarang dan dengan PKR, mengapa kita tidak boleh dekati Umno?
"Pimpinan kita mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Umno atas keputusan Syura Ulama, tidak ada yang pergi ambil kesempatan untuk kembungkan poket atau runding kerusi dan jawatan.
"Kita pergi jumpa Umno untuk beritahu mereka syiar Islam sebenar... Islam pun ajar kita supaya berunding, dalam perang pun kalau musuh nak berunding, kita dibenar berunding," katanya.
Perkembangan terkini muktamar PAS kali ini sangat menarik. Keterbukaan kepimpinan dan kematangan dalam memberikan pendapat jelas sekali kelihatan. Perbezaan pendapat juga ketara. Ianya sesuatu yang sihat. Apa yang lebih menarik adalah impak yang akan diterima secara tidak langsung terhadap pilihanraya kecil yang akan berlangsung di "Matang Pauh" kali ini.
Angin yang bertiup lembut dari Ipoh kali ini memang boleh menjadi taufan yang menggegar bila ianya sampai ke kawasan Matang Pauh, kalau Pakatan Rakyat memandang enteng terhadap apa yang sedang berlaku di dalam Muktamar Agung PAS di Ipoh sekarang ini.
Apatah lagi jika "strategi-balas" PR hanyalah sekadar bermain politik picisan dan serangan peribadi yang tidak bertempat, yang tidak releven sama-sekali sebegini!
Orang Matang Pauh saya percaya jauh lebih "matang" untuk menerima bulat-bulat isu-isu sedemikian bila mana wujud isu-isu yang lebih kronik, signifikan dan mempunyai kesan langsung akan "masa depan" lanskap politik negara yang mesti diperjelaskan dengan penuh keikhlasan oleh calon Pakatan Rakyat kali ini.
Tahun | Perbelanjaan Kerajaan Negeri (RM Juta) | Yuran Penganjuran (RM Juta) | Dana Khas ke T-Best (RM Juta) |
2005 | 1.1 | 4.0 | tiada |
2006 | 1.2 | 4.0 | tiada |
2007 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 12.0 |
Kos Pembinaan (Infra) Pulau Duyung (untuk pembinaan resort, marina, restoren dan rumah) - RM 272.4m.
Perangkaan yang sama boleh di dapati daripada Hansard DUN Terengganu dan daripada PMINT ataupun Perbadanan Memajukan Iktisad Negeri Terengganu (Terengganu SEDC) dan ianya telah diaudit sepenuhnya.
Jadi tidak benarlah untuk pihak-pihak yang mengatakan bahawa kos penganjuran tahunan adalah tinggi, sehingga ada desas-desus mengatakan ianya mencecah RM 250 Juta Setahun seperti yang selalu dilaung-laungkan.
Sebenarnya hanya perbelanjaan untuk pembangunan infra Pulau Duyung yang mencecah RM 272.4 juta bukannya kos penganjuran Piala Monsun.
Kos penganjuran Piala Monsun yang dikeluarkan secara perinciannya adalah:
Kos keseluruhan untuk 3 tahun adalah RM 27.3 juta (purata perbelanjaan setahun secara keseluruhan adalah hanya RM 9.1 juta setahun) jauh lebih rendah daripada perangkaan kos perbelanjaan Le Tour De Langkawi yang mencecah lebih kurang RM 25 juta setahun.
Ariff Shah calon BN tentang Anwar di Permatang Pauh
Pengumuman itu dibuat oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada majlis pelancaran jentera pilihan raya BN di sini malam ini.
Anwar yang merupakan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) akan bertanding di kawasan Parlimen itu selepas isterinya, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail mengosongkan kerusi tersebut. - Utusan
Now that's settled, can we please move on with the show? No more sidetracking, demonstration this and picketing that. Don't try to buy votes from elsewhere. Let's just concentrate on P44-Permatang Pauh, shall we?
Anyway, hard-luck Ezam! Maybe next time.
P/S Here is Arif Shah's website by the way. I've had a brief chat with the guy once during an opening ceremony of SME Bank's branch in Seberang Jaya couple of months back. Nice chap. More on him here and here.
The first-term Kulim Bandar Baharu MP, who is also a lawyer, declared their protest a success after the forum was declared closed a little before 10am after the police advised the organisers to end it due to the noisy protest outside and in the hall. The forum was supposed to end at 1pm.
Baca lagi Harsher actions if Bar Council holds more forums on religion, warn Muslim protesters
Kepada YB Zulkifli Nordin, saya mengangkat tabik hormat kerana berani melawan arus parti politik sendiri di dalam mempertahankan sesuatu yang menyentuh dan hak kepentingan yang telah sedia termaktub di dalam perlembagaan daripada tercalar dan di heret ke arah konflik yang lebih berat lagi.
Kepada Parti Keadilan Rakyat pula, nyatakanlah dengan jelas pendirian tanpa berselindung dan janganlah pula sampai mengecam salah seorang kepimpinan mereka sendiri semata-mata untuk meraih markah siasah ("scoring political points").
Tidak mahukah Parti Keadilan Rakyat bersama-sama dengan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz dan bersetuju dengan apa yang dikatakan beliau seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Harakah Daily di bawah ini?
Pandangan rasmi kerajaan itu turut dipersetujui oleh Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Kata beliau, "Saya tidak faham mengapa dia (Majlis Peguam) nak anjurkan forum ini, apa tujuannya kerana telah berjuta-juta manusia di dunia ini memeluk Islam sekian lama, jadi kenapa pula mereka perlu bising sekarang.
"Saya lebih setuju jika dibuat satu forum khas tentang mana yang lebih baik dan logik antara agama Islam dan agama lain. Ini lebih baik dan bermanfaat".
Pendirian Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat ini dipetik dari artikel Harakah di sini.
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — Several hundred protesters demonstrated outside the Bar Council forum on conversions to Islam this morning, with some forcing their way into the hall as police called on the organisers to wrap up proceedings by 10am.
Witnesses said several protesters entered the building escorted by police, stood in the middle of the hall and stared at the several hundred participants attending the "Conversion to Islam: Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution, Subashini & Shamala Revisited" forum.
The protesters had gathered since 8am and brought out banners criticising and condemning the forum which has received objections from both government and opposition leaders.
At 9.25am, Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan interrupted the forum to say the police have advised them to wrap it up by 10am as protest still going on outside the building. The forum began at 8.45am.