Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Labu & Labi (Versi 2008): Dari jadi Presiden, lagi baik jadi Tarzan Malaya!
Kalau sakmongkol kata depa macam "badan & nyawa" cerita Nujum Pak Belalang, versi Lawyer Kampung pula, depa ni, dalam semenjak dua menjak ni ada juga sikit macam labu dan labi....
Labu & Labi di dalam scene "tarzan malaya dengan harimau".
Labu: Jadi Tok Presiden pun tak gunalah...
Labi: Sebab?
Labu: Tak ada kebebasan...aku lagi suka di hutan..
Labi: hutan? nak jadi apa engkau? Nak jadi sang rajuna tapa?
Labu: Apalah engkau labi! Di hutan..bebas! Nak ke sana, nak kemari....takdak TokDet, takdak Ku Li, takdak PR, takdak reporter, takdak blogger....di hutan boleh makan macam2 buah...
Labi: eh, eh..buah melaka boleh makan tak?
Labu: jangankan buah melaka..buah pahang, buah negeri sembilan.. buah johor semua boleh makan..buah genuak tu pun boleh makan.. bukan macam sekarang jangan kata nak makan buah, nak dapat pencalonan depa tu pun susah!
Labi: uuu...
Labi: uuuuu...di hutan buleh kawan dengan binatang-binatang...dengan monyet..
Labi: monyet? ..nak jadi apa?
Labu: aa aa dengan monyet! ...nak jadi Tarzan!
Labi: ooh
Labu: Bila Tarzan panggil saja, semua datang! ...cuma satu binatang* tak mau datang....
Labi: eh, siapa itu?
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! suspen.......... binatang apa?
* Spesis-spesis katak juga ke?
Akan Datang.........
------harimau nak makan tarzan, tarzan nak tikam harimau!--------
Dikemaskini 12.30am (29/09/08)
UMNO a sinking ship; A conclusive or rebuttable presumption in the court of public opinion?

A rebuttable presumption is an assumption made by a court, one that is taken to be true unless someone comes forward to contest it and prove otherwise. A rebuttable presumption is often associated with prima facie evidence.
A more recent classic case of a presumption of facts used in the court of public opinion (with regard to the above topic) is with regard to the ongoing leadership transition debacle ensued from Supreme Council's decision which was obviously tailored to fit the grand design of the top two leaders instead of their ebbing party. That and the adjourned GA in itself is a prima facie ("in the face of it") evidence and a praesumptio iuris tantum ("rebuttable presumption" - at least to me) of a political entity leading a moribund way of life. Presumption of facts that UMNO is a sinking ship.
Let's proceed further with the law of evidence and court trials as hypothesis to the matter. Now, why do people make such a presumption in the case of UMNO? In the trial court, the invocation of a presumption is done normally for the purpose of shifting the burden of proof from one party to the opposing party.
The people is merely shifting the "burden of proof" to UMNO. And this is not done with malice. The intention is bona fide and genuine. There are people out there still want to see UMNO to get their act together and pull themselves out of their present quagmire. Most still want to see UMNO themselves to show to the "court of public opinion" that the presumption above is irrebutable and they (UMNO and its members) are capable of raising evidences to the contrary and to prove otherwise.
Many of us still want to believe that such presumption is in fact rebuttable and that there are those in UMNO that are capable of presenting to the people that there are evidences to the contrary.
To one commenter (anon-comment #4) to my previous post, my advise to you sir and all those in UMNO, never dismissed summarily all facts being presumed ("andaian") about UMNO by the joe public albeit the same is lacking in "sense of history"(whatever that means). Even in law, such assumption is often regarded as presumption which are used to relieve a party from having to actually prove the truth of the fact being presumed. In essence, what a presumption really does is place the obligation of presenting evidence to the contrary concerning a particular fact on that particular party. Now, if the actual court of law itself holds such high regards towards them (presumptions, assumptions and/or inferences) [Thousand apologies Mr. Sakmongkol, I can't help it - using "and/or" ;-)'s in the blood!], what more if the same are presented in the "court of public opinion"?
Of course there are those (such as Mr. Anon in Sakmongkol's post concerned) who see the above presumption as irrebutable (A conclusive presumption, is a presumption of law that cannot be rebutted by evidence and must be taken to be the case whatever the evidence to the contrary). As for me, I am not one of them, yet. And UMNO do count your lucky stars on the fact that many of us "outsiders" still share that same sentiment.
As such, to the learned members of UMNO, please do the necessary. Present to us, those who still view the above presumption ("UMNO is a sinking ship") as rebuttable, all available evidences to the contrary (*hint-for a start, the notion proposed herein could just be one of those). Make haste, time is not on your side!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Gah dan hebat jika anda bergelar ahli UMNO?
Saya terpanggil untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bukan kebiasaan saya, memberikan komen di dalam blog entry saya kali ini khas untuk satu nukilan blogger yang lain. Ianya saya sentuh bukan untuk blogger berkenaan semata-mata tetapi ahli-ahli UMNO yang lain yang masih ada pandangan dan anggapan yang serupa, nasihat berikut ingin saya kemukakan. Sebelum itu, jutaan maaf saya pohon terlebih dahulu jika ada yang tersinggung kerananya.
Didalam italic dan warna kelabu adalah tulisan penulis blog yang dirujuk di atas.
Penulis pun mendapat cerita-cerita mengenai intipati mesyuarat MT UMNO itu semalam dan sumber-sumbernya dipercayai kerana mereka sangat rapat dengan pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi UMNO.
Hebat sangatkah bila mendapat cerita daripada mereka yang sangat rapat dengan pemimpin tertinggi? Hersay (Dengar Cakap)? Bangga dengan menerima info dari mereka yang "rapat" dengan pemimpin? Hebat sangatkah kalau hanya boleh dapat info dari mereka yang rapat dan bukan dari pemimpin itu sendiri?
Dan cakap-cakap politik seperti ini sebenarnya sungguh menarik terutamanya jika kita bercakap dengan mereka yang mendapat informasi direct daripada pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi tersebut dan mereka boleh menelefon atau sms tanpa protokol yang sedia ada.
Hebat sangatkah bila boleh telefon, sms secara langsung ini? Ahli UMNO (tertentu) sahajakah yang ada akses sebegini dengan pemimpin mereka? Esklusif sungguh perhubungan antara ketua dan ahli UMNO rupanya. Ianya perlukan medium rupanya! Budaya canggih!
Inilah menariknya jika kita berbincang mengenai parti UMNO dan kita adalah ahlinya. Impaknya tidak sama dengan mereka yang bukan ahli UMNO dan memberi komen dari luar 'rumah' UMNO.
Bincang mengenai parti ada impak yang hebat kalau anda bincangkan sesama ahli parti? Ya, betul! Nantikanlah impak yang serupa dengan penangan 8 Mac 2008, buahtangan Permatang Pauh dan sebagainya kelak akibat "hobi" ini. Kalau begitu impak yang didambakan, teruskan rasa gah dengan cerita dan komen sesama sendiri dan mara terus dengan sifat tidak endahkan komen mereka yang di luar "rumah" suci UMNO, teruskan!
Pengkritik-pengkritik tersebut sebenarnya hanya membuang masa mereka untuk menegur 'rumah tangga' UMNO. Ini adalah kerana mereka tidak berkongsi aspirasi dan matlamat asas perjuangan parti UMNO dan mereka bukannya ahi UMNO.
Pengkritik? Buang masa jika "pengkritik-pengkritik" ini tegur "rumahtangga" UMNO? Sikap sebegini lah yang menyebabkan sampai sekarang berjuta rakyat TIDAK MAHU berkongsi aspirasi UMNO. Jangankan rumahtangga UMNO, "tangga" UMNO pun mereka tidak mahu pijak!
Sampaikan kuasa sebenar hendak tentukan pemimpin pun sudah tidak ada di dalam tangan sendiri, masih hebatkah jika bergelar ahli UMNO? Jeritlah sekuat hati, kami mahu sipolan atau kami tidak mahu sipolan tetapi hakikatnya, bukan tangan ahli itu sendiri yang tentukan siapa jadi ketua. Sampai ke sudah dimomokkan oleh "pemimpin" sendiri. Masih gah jika bergelar ahli UMNO walaupun sebegini rupanya diri diperkotak-katikkan? Hebat lagikah begitu?
Kalau begini rupa dan gaya, hebat dan gah sangatkan kalau jadi ahli UMNO?
Jika ada "pengkritik-pengkritik" "luar" "rumahtangga" UMNO yang masih bersuara tentang UMNO, bersyukurlah. Itu tandanya masih ada yang menganggap UMNO itu masih relevan atau sekurang-kurangnya masih boleh kembali relevan.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Clairvoyant at work
I sense "UMNO's unity" will be the mantra tomorrow. They will be singing this over and over again during the meeting. Some of them will bellowed out arguments that for the sake of unity, it is better that we are to avoid any kind of contests at this juncture. They will argue what is the purpose of having December polls if the same would only split the party. Some others will advocate since there is already a transition plan at hand, the contest for the No.1 and 2 are therefore redundant. Some will go on further and implore that the December party's poll should not be held at all for the sake of, yes, UMNO's unity. They will harp on the agenda of strengthening the party instead of destroying it, their way of course, to wit; by way of not having any contests come December. It must be postpone, they will say.
What will happen tomorrow is that all of them (MKT) will come out from the meeting, united and hand in hand proclaiming their "steadfast believe" in all the above. They say that they have reached a unanimous decision. And for the sake of rebuilding and strengthening the party, the December UMNO's poll will be postponed. UMNO's unity comes first, party's poll second. "In Paklah we believe", they will chant. Over and over again.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Seposen je...
Jauh hendak berjalan raya nanti ni, balik ke SP, ke Langgar kemudian ke Melor, silap-silap terlajak ke Jerteh, ke KT dan kemudian patah balik ke Tokbok, terus kembali ke Bayan Baru. Jauh tu, banyak minyak nak pakai ni....
Takkan hendak jadikan umpan, nanti raya haji turunkan seposen lagi, kemudian dalam bulan Disember pula lagi lima sen? Takkan kot?
No more deadlines!
The "deadline" tactics may have been dropped but not "we got the numbers" game-play. I can understand that he may thinks that it's better to keep the engine running or the fire burning with all the stories of he and the gang coming to power soon, for the sake of morals among his supporters and friends. But the same can also be a double-edge sword just like what is happening now, with the flip-flops and all. Even the anwaristas are complaining!
Now, the question remains whether Anwar Ibrahim would resigned to the fact that it would be better for him (and the Pakatan Rakyat) if he is to concentrate on his role as the Opposition Leader for the next four to five years instead of persistently coming up with frivolous political fantasies and unnecessary political gambits for the rest of the 12th Malaysian parliamentary term?
The people are watching and they are not exactly in awe, Datuk Seri!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Siapa kata Paklah tidak berupaya dapatkan pencalonan minima sekalipun?
Hari ini sahaja, Muhyiddin kelihatan agak goyah. Beliau buat kenyataan memang Paklah sendiri berhak tentukan apa yang akan berlaku di bulan Oktober kelak. Walaupun cuba kelihatan sebagai seorang yang berpegang teguh dengan apa yang telah dikatakan sebelum ini bila menambahkan kenyataan bahawa UMNO peringkat bahagian adalah lebih berhak daripada MKT untuk tentukan legitimasi transisi peralihan kuasa 2010, tetapi beliau tetap akhiri dengan "klausa penyelamat" bila menyatakan tidak siapa berhak untuk menekan Paklah untuk berundur.
Ku Li pula, walaupun cuba kelihatan relevan dan "politically correct" dalam tindakannya untuk mencabar jawatan Presiden, kelihatan agak kucar-kacir dan tanpa koordinasi sepatutnya bila menidakkan sama-sekali kemungkinan bahawa beliau perlu berganding dengan Muhyiddin atau sesiapa sahaja. Malah beliau kelihatan seolah-olah membakar jambatan bila mendesak mereka yang terlibat menghentam Paklah pada 18.9.08 lalu supaya berundur daripada jawatan kabinet masing-masing. Beliau juga cuba menonjolkan keyakinan diri dengan memperlihatkan beliau tidak perlukan apa-apa melainkan dirinya sendiri untuk ditawarkan sebagai Presiden. Ya, mungkin dari satu sudut persepsi yang beliau cuba tonjolkan kepada warga UMNO adalah beliau mempunyai keyakinan tinggi, tetapi Ku Li juga lupa yang mengundi nanti bukan Mat Saleh, tetapi orang-orang Melayu yang mungkin menganggap keyakinan yang cuba ditonjolkan adalah satu sifat kesombongan yang tidak bertempat di pihak anak raja tersebut. Malahan apa yang berlaku hari ini hampir buktikan Ku Li keseorangan walaupun di negerinya sendiri bilamana hampir keseluruhan bahagian di dalam badan perhubungan UMNO Kelantan kecuali Gua Musang dengan sepantas kilat hari ini menyokong Pelan peralihan kuasa 2010.
Bagaimana dengan Najib? Beliau telah kelihatan selesa semula dengan perancangan awal, sebagai "putera mahkota kepada takhta". Lihat sahaja bagaimana gembiranya beliau mula memimpin kementerian kewangan pada hari ini (Buletin Utama TV3). Keriangan jelas terpancar dari airmukanya. Kalau siapa yang menyangka beliau akan melenting kerana beberapa isu, jelas jangkaan mereka meleset. Najib kelihatan selesa dan yakin, membuat keputusan demi keputusan pada hari pertamanya. Saya percaya, sepertimana ramai yang lain juga, bahawasanya TPM akan menunggu 2010 dengan setianya.
Bagi Paklah pula, pasukan penyokongnya jelas telah melakukan gerakan dan koordinasi yang diperlukan bagi pastikan belaiu melantun semula dengan pantas daripada serangan dan asakan 18/9 lalu. Selain daripada Kelantan, badan perhubungan UMNO Pulau Pinang juga meneriakkan sokongan padu mereka kepada Presiden orang sekampung mereka pada malam ini. Semalam pula kita lihat Paklah beramah mesra sebelum Iftar dengan badan Perhubungan Perak. Seterusnya, walaupun Perlis hanya ada 3 bahagian di dalam perhubungan negerinya, di dalam saat genting sebegini setiap undi itu adalah berharga. Dengan pengumuman bahawa Shahidan Kasim dilantik sebagai Penasihat Khas NCER, jelas pasukan presiden bermain dengan berhati-hati dan bersungguh dan mencuba sedaya upaya untuk mengembleng sokongan dari segala pelusuk yang mungkin. Bagi sokongan dari negeri Kedah pula, anak emas Paklah yang memerangkap Ketua Perhubungan UMNO negeri pasti telahpun bergerak untuk pastikan pencalonan daripada Kedah akan memihak kepada presiden sekarang. Jadi tidak perlulah kita pergi ke Sabah dengan Musa Amannya, Pahang dengan adanya Adnan Yaakobnya, Negeri Sembilan dengan Mohamad Hassannya. Mereka ini semua bukan calang-calang hulubalang! Hanya Johor, Selangor dan mungkin Terengganu yang agak neutral kedudukannya. Itupun sebagai contoh bagi negeri-negeri tersebut, di negeri Selangor umpamanya, jika ada Khir Toyo, di sana juga ada Mat Taibnya untuk berikan imbangan semula kepada presidennya. Melaka? Semua boleh agak dengan Melaka saya kira. Bagi WP dan Putrajaya, S/U Agung yang setia senantiasa ada untuk membantu pasukan penyandang jawatan. Ini kita tidak ambil kira lagi semarakkan semangat yang boleh digembleng oleh anak, menantunya dan rakan-rakan!
Jadi siapa kata Paklah akan mengalami kesukaran untuk mendapatkan hatta pencalonan minima sekalipun? Jangan pandang sebelah mata buah dan jurus "tai-chi" beliau. Ianya masih berbisa.
Dikemaskini (11.51pm)
Hebat tak hebat Presiden UMNO ini, kunjungi dan bacalah blog Depa Kata, di sini & laporan Berita Harian di sini. ;-)
Orde Baru, Politik Usang
Anak-anak kitakah yang berlari telanjang
Di bawah mentari sumbing
Sambil bernyanyi lagi
Ketakutan hari-hari ini
Anak-anak kitakah yang memikul beban
Kesilapan kita
Hingga dia tak kenal
Budaya canggung bangsa sendiri
Selamatkan anak kita
Dari padang jerangkap samar
Selamatkan anak kita
Orde baru politikus usang
Anak-anak kitakah yang bermain
Di hutan belukar
Dengan senapang kayu ubi
Cambah tak kenal bahaya
Anak-anak kitakah
yang tak tahu nak pulang bila petang
kerana terlalu sibuk main lastik
Dan berpistolan Pistol-pistolan
Kita begitu sibuk sehari-dua ini, dengan agenda masing-masing. Demi survival masing-masing, bertungkus-lumus para politikus dan pengikut-pengikutnya menari dan menyanyi lagu dan gurindam mengikut rentak dan irama masing-masing.
Kita lupa, yang muda sedang melihat, yang remaja sedang memerhati yang kanak-kanak sedang menonton. Kita ghairah sehingga lupa golongan yang akan menjadi kesinambungan apa yang kita gurindamkan, apa yang kita tarikan.
Siasah sempit, siasah bankrap dan siasah bertopeng kita sajikan. Sayembara dan dongengan kita angkat dan letak di atas batu jemala masing-masing.
Ketaksuban tidak bertempat dan siasah jumud kita pertahankan. Kita mabuk, kita mengamuk, kita merajuk.
Jaga-jaga anak kita
Jangan sampai jadi hamba
Jaga-jaga anak kita
Kita ini orang merdeka
Panggillah mereka pulang
Ayah nak ajar
Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan sendiri lagi
Panggillah mereka pulang
Ayah nak ajar
Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan dimomok lagi
Selamatkah kita di tangan tukang karut itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan dalang wayang itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan ahli koporat itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan doktor jiwa itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan pakar kitab itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan tuhan-tuhan itu
Sampai bila kita mahu terus dimomokkan sebegini? Kita rela jadikan ini sebagai warisan yang akan diwaris oleh mereka selepas kita?
Panduan warisan turun-temurun ada di tangan kita. Jamung penyuluh zaman berzaman ada di tangan kita. Takkan kita hendak sesat dan terus-menerus disesatkan lagi? Jangan kita wariskan kesesatan kepada anak-cucu kita.
Setiap yang indah ada kudisnya.
"The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say."-Khalil Gibran
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sukar sangatkah untuk terimamasuk bekas Presiden sendiri?
Kemudian ada sedikit temuramah dengan Setiausaha Agung UMNO berkaitan permohonan kemasukan semula Che Det, Perdana Menteri ke 4 memerangkap Presiden UMNO yang ke 5. Pemberita bertanyakan perihal berkaitan permohonan kemasukan semula beliau. Jawapan S/U Agung UMNO, Mesyuarat MKT 18.9.2008 tidak membincangkannya. Kenapa? Ringkas jawapannya, mereka belum lagi menerima borang permohonan Che Det sebagai ahli.
Begini, kalau sayalah yang memohon maka saya fahamlah justifikasi yang dikemukakan oleh S/U Agung UMNO tersebut. Siapalah saya untuk MKT bincangkan perihal permohonan menjadi ahli daripada saya dalam mesyuaratnya.
Tetapi ini adalah permohonan semula yang telah diuar-uarkan sendiri oleh bekas Presiden mereka. Bekas Presiden UMNO sendiri selama 22 tahun. Bekas Presiden yang juga bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Bekas Presiden yang telah menerajui dan mengemudi UMNO selama lebih 2 dekad. Bekas Presiden yang telah mengangkat secara langsung dan tidak langsung kesemua mereka di dalam MKT tersebut ke kedudukan mereka sekarang. Bekas Presiden yang dahulunya disanjung dan dipuja.
Tidak bolehkah diputuskan permohonan Che Det sebagai satu "kes istimewa"? Mustahak sangatkah borang permohonan tersebut? Tidak bolehkah diputuskan di dalam Mesyuarat tadi satu undang-undang kecil atau peraturan istimewa khas untuk bekas Presiden mereka sendiri? Tidak bolehkah dikecualikan segala birokrasi dalam menerimanya semula? Sukar sangatkah untuk dipermudahkan permohonan beliau atas dasar mengenang budi dan bertindak sewajarnya di atas faktor "budimu dikenang" tersebut?
Sedangkan di dalam undang-undang pun ada "exception to the general rule", kenapa tidak di dalam perkara ini?
Perkara sebeginlah yang sering membuatkan saya dan ramai lagi yang di luar ini bertambah musykhil dengan pembesar-pembesar di dalam MKT ini. Takkan begini peradaban dan budaya yang mahu dijadikan contoh dan teladan bagi mereka yang di di dalam dan luar UMNO, bukan?
Ketahuilah, tidak semua perkara perlu dipolitikkan. Tidak jatuh maruah diri jika kita mengalah sekali-sekala dengan orang yang lebih tua, yang telah banyak berjasa. Malahan apa yang pasti, kita akan lebih dihormati kerananya.
Berbudi-bahasa masih lagi amalan hidup kita, bukan?
Dikemaskini (6.15pagi)
Mungkin sibuk sungguh petang tadi dengan perkara lain agaknya? Baca sini dan sini.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another dose of Anwar, anyone?
Above excerpt from Anil Netto's blog. He's blogging live on the current Press Conference by Anwar, live video available there.
Basically, he's upping the ante. Asking for a special parliament session coming Tuesday. Read more Anil Netto's Pakatan seeks special session of Parliament on Tuesday
Updated (3pm)
PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claims he sent a letter to the Prime Minister on Thursday requesting him to call an emergency Parliament session no later that Sept 23 to deliberate on a vote of no-confidence against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s leadership.
The Opposition leader said this at a press conference at the PKR headquarters here Thursday afternoon.
With this, Anwar is playing it smart. He is not talking about jumping frogs anymore instead he's hitting hard on the issue of "no-confidence vote" via * special/emergency motion to be tabled in parliament. Theoretically no one has to jump ship to vote for the motion. It's a shame our PM has been treating the act of SAPP puling out of the BN coalition in such a condescending manner and dismissing them as nuisance only along the way. He should have played his (limited) cards well and amplified on the fact that despite going out, the party has remained as independent and did not immediately joined the Pakatan Coalition. There are obvious points to score on that fact alone.
Updated (4.25pm)
By the way, blogger JMD reminded me that someone has to attend court on the 24th. Another red herring perhaps? Letih-lah like this, especially so during times like this.
*What is a Motion of Censure?
Read here (US) and from westminster system's nation, go here and here. From Wikipedia, an overview of Motion of No Confidence.
Updated 6.35pm
PM: No need for emergency session of Parliament
The End!
(Who should decide on that actually? The PM or.... Nevermind-lah!) ;-) Selamat berbuka puasa to those fasting and to others, enjoy your dinner, ya!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Brotherhood of KJ
Read Khairy announces candidacy for Umno Youth chief post
Young man in a hurry indeed. Read A Voice and BigDog's recent take respectively on probability of KJ announcing his candidacy and the impact it may have to the political landscapes of UMNO and the nation, here and here.
Updated (7.21 am-Sept, 18th):
If you think that in the last 48hrs when we were served cold, with 2 dishes (versions) of "transition of power" were to the extent of ad nauseam, then you should think twice before swallowing this, another dish of (the real) transition of power, despite it has "esprit de corp" as the main spice.
This is the actual transition-of-power-is-a-process, borrowing the words of the father-in-law. The process will be faster than the length of time that Anwar had taken when he "almost" done it the last time around (after he was elected as UMNO Youth Head). If many perceived Anwar rise to power back then as "meteoric", they will have to redefine the phrase to "light speed" for this young man, if left unchecked. With that in mind, if you think UMNO will survive for another 60 years, you better think again. People say, speed kills.
Read what JMD and A Voice thinks about this latest development here and here.
That Deadly Tai-Chi (4): Earlier Transition?
The timing is flexible. It is possible, if I may want to leave earlier but not beyond 2010,” the prime minister told a news conference at his office here.
Now, now Najib don't get excited just yet. Look at all provisos that came with the job descriptions. Paklah never stop to amaze me. He's really a wily old sly. Really.
That's why in the end, it's him who becomes the 5th PM, not like some (supposedly with more finesse) who can only dream and continue to dream.
Abdullah said the transition plan however, would depend, among others, on Najib’s performance.
Nice, just look at the current global economy. Perfect timing! O! Najib, thou shall show us the way!
Mindef? Smart move! Nice.
On the transition time frame.
When asked further on the timeframe, Abdullah said, “It is not for you to ask and for me to say.”
Abdullah said the matter would be decided accordingly as the succession process takes place.
Errm, who decides then? The members of UMNO, I don't think so. Who else, eh?
Read more ABDULLAH: Early leadership transition possible
Expectedly, the master of U-Turn is at it again
Najib also said that he would not accept any nomination for the president’s post as he was commited to the succession plan.
Ooppss... whither dream team? Then again, Murphy's Laws, remember?
Najib added further;
He said the finance portfolio was important, especially in light of the current economic instabilities.
Najib, he said, could spend some time acclimatising himself to the duties of being a prime minister.
Yeah, rite!! Read more Pak Lah, Najib swap portfolios, transition intact
Sources: NST & Malaysian Insider-For obvious reason and purpose ;-)
Will Najib be the "hercules" that diverted rivers through an extremely dirty stable? Read SAKMONGKOL AK47: Najib for the Augean Stables.
Anwar & UMNO: Satu Simbiosis
Kini apa yang harus difokuskan oleh UMNO adalah untung nasibnya sendiri. Tenggelam timbulnya sendiri. Jangan dicaci dan dihina kegagalan orang lain apabila kegagalan jugalah sebenarnya sedang memandang tepat ke muka sendiri.
Sebenarnya, sedar atau tidak, Anwar dan UMNO adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dipisahkan lagi. Kedua-duanya saling mendambakan. Satu jenis simbiosis wujud antara keduanya. Mungkin kedua-duanya tidak menyedarinya. Malah kedua-duanya mungkin pasti akan menyangkalnya. Tetapi percayalah, hakikatnya UMNO dan Anwar adalah umpama ombak dan pantai, lagu dan irama. Kedua-duanya tidak boleh dipisahkan lagi.
Anwar perlukan UMNO. Dia perlukan UMNO untuk terus di dalam keadaan caca-merba halatujunya. Dia perlukan UMNO yang di dalam keadaan panik dan haru-biru. UMNO yang kalut adalah suatu keperluan kepada Anwar dan "Impian 916"nya. Anwar amat memerlukan UMNO yang daif kesihatan untuk tonjolkan kehebatan dirinya, yang sebenarnya tidaklah sehebat mana pun. Keadaan terumbang-ambing UMNO masa kini adalah pada hakikatnya merupakan talian hayat politik Anwar. Kegawatan UMNO amat diperlukan Anwar untuk dijadikan resipi utama hidangan politiknya.
UMNO pula pada hari ini mungkin amat ghairah untuk terus mencerca dan menghina kegagalan misi 916 Anwar tanpa menyedari mereka amat perlukan Anwar. Acah dan Ejek politikal Anwar & Co. sebenarnya adalah tonik yang amat diperlukan oleh UMNO. Mahu tidak mahu politik Anwar akan tetap seperti itu. Hanya dengan ejek, omok dan acah politiknya secara berterusan begini barulah UMNO boleh sedar keperluan untuknya berubah. Keperluan untuknya bertindak segera mengikis dan menghapuskan kanser dan segala macam penyakit kosmetik dan dalaman yang telah lama dihidapinya. Acahan dan omokkan dengan "Impian 916"nya adalah sepatutnya membantu UMNO untuk lebih matang dan bersemangat untuk segera melenyapkan segala kebobrokkan yang sedang melandanya kini.
UMNO dan Anwar sebenarnya saling terhutang budi. Kedua-duanya "saling memerlukan".
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sebelum subuh....
Sultan Aminurrashid: Apa dia memanda bendahara?
Mamanda Bendahara: Besok pagi, ada rombongan ingin memohon limpah duli tuanku memperkenankan kerajaan baru Antah Berantah dan memohon tuanku mencemar duli untuk merasmikannya.
Sultan Aminurrashid: Baiklah kalau begitu Mamak Bendahara, Besok pagi SEBELUM SUBUH beta akan sampai di sana...
Tuan Direktor: CUT, CUT, CUTTTT!!!!! ..yang engkau nak pergi sebelum subuh tu nak buat hape...???!!! Bahaluuul.....!!!! ...sebelum subuh mana ada orang bangun lagi, SESUDAH SUBUH, SESUDAH subuh... Macam ini boleh rosak filim aku!!
..akan bersambung
Baca lagi, mengenai pembikinan filem terhebat musim ini di blog The Antics of Husin Lempoyang: Sept 16 12:30: Anwar angkat sumpah pukul 5:45 pagi ... Jangan tidor!
Untuk mendapat "feel" filim ini pergi baca blog Anil Netto “We have the numbers; the process has begun” dan baca juga Tukar Tiub ZAID IBRAHIM MENTERI PAKATAN RAKYAT ?
Dengar nasihat Husin Lempoyang- JANGAN tidur!!! ..tungguuuuu...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Paklah's shambolic cabinet
“I know I am breaking rank here ... I am prepared to face the consequences. If I am told to resign, I will do so.
"I am not a trouble maker and I don't want to cause any trouble for the Prime Minister, but I have my principles and will always be a vocal critic of the use of the ISA.
"I joined his administration to make changes and everybody knows, I am also for a more open form of media reporting," he added.
Read more Wrong use of ISA: De facto law minister (update 3)
Of course there are those lauding the action taken. One example here is Zahid Hamidi. He was obviously talking with his foot instead of his brain in order to justify the infamous draconian law. In overly-glorifying the action taken, he was reported to have said the followings;
"Tidak wajar hanya dikenakan (akta ISA) ke atas tiga orang sahaja kerana yang timbulkan perkara sensitif ini ramai lagi termasuk pengendali blog.
"Polis telah beri amaran sebelum ini, tetapi tidak diendahkan dan apabila tindakan diambil, maka mereka mengatakan kononnya bahawa polis dan kerajaan zalim. Mereka yang menzalimi diri sendiri kerana tidak mengendahkan amaran,’’ katanya.
Read more Tahanan ISA zalimi diri sendiri-Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
To top that up, Paklah's topsy-turvy cabinet and its members have the penchant for cheap publicity where they are more inclined towards quarelling in the newspapers instead of doing it in the comfort of their own weekly cabinet meetings. No thrill I guess doing it the conventional way. Don't expect "elegant silence" from these boys, no sir-ee! That's only for the biggest kahuna of them all, the big boss himself. For the boys its all about fame, no matter how cheap!
It is obvious that Abdullah does not have any more grip on the members of his own cabinet. His writ does not run in his own shambolic government for quite some time now and the situation has worsen by the day since March 8, 2008.
Any other Prime Minister on his right mind would call it quit without giving it much thought, but not our dear Paklah. He is more than willing to soldier on. To any reasonable man on the street, Paklah's never-say-die attitude and uncalled-for tenacity (in clinging on to power) despite the precarious position he's in, can be mind boggling to say the least.
Is he really that out-of-touch to reality? Is he that detached? No, I don't think so. He is pretty well aware of everything that's been going on. What we are witnessing maybe just a symptom of a normal sickness of most politicians called "obsess with power syndrome", that's all.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Look Who's Talking!
Anwar Ibrahim was reported to say the followings;
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Rakyat wants Umno to stop playing the race card for the sake of political stability, Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.
Anwar said the opposition coalition did not want to allow the Government to create uncertainty or instability by using the race card whenever they were pushed into a corner.
“This is clearly an act of desperation. We urge the Government to respect the laws of the land,” he told reporters Saturday at an impromptu press conference at the PKR headquarters here.
Read more Stop playing the race card: Anwar
I guess respecting and revering the laws to him and the gang only applies to the ones that cannot do much when it comes to probabilities of stoking sentiments and provoking the masses.
Now, what about the unambiguous intention and action thereof to over-throw a duly elected government via back-doors? Is that another mark of proper respect towards the laws of the land?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Liverpool 2 Man Utd 1!
And it stays like that until the final whistle. This is going to be a beautiful night after all!
And to think that we didn't even have Torres playing in that game. Magnificent!
(Sources/Pics: BBC Sport Football & LiverpoolFc.TV)

By the way, I didn't see Hypia sulking away when came out as sub in the dying minutes of the game. He too played his heart out. Consequences of "UEFA's Affirmative Action" did not get to his head! He played like a champ still. That's what a team player is all about! Rafa the gaffer surely knows how to lead the team. Malaysia as a nation needs a gaffer of that calibre!
Blaze of Glory & Murphy's Law
The de facto Law Minister -
"It is very simple. If Muhyiddin is not happy with the prime minister, he can resign from the cabinet, as it means he has no confidence in Pak Lah (Abdullah), or Pak Lah should sack him." Read more Either Muhyiddin Resign Or Be Sacked, Says Zaid
Negri Sembilan MB -
Negeri Sembilan Mentri Besar Datuk Mohamed Hassan tonight fired the first salvo at Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin - telling him that he should resign from the Cabinet if he had lost confidence in the Prime Minister. The former corporate player urged Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to be ruthless against those who want to be heroes for own self interest. Read more NS MB ticks off Muhyiddin for PM broadside
Will Najib be 100% committed towards the "uprising"? Or will he again leave Muhyiddin high and dry just like he did before when he said that he is committed towards the 2010 power transition plan (despite Muhyiddin's signals that he will be supporting him if he is making the move for the No. 1 post then), which made Muhyiddin to take off his feet of the gas pedal and announced that he will be contesting for VP post only.
Najib is actually looking more superfluous by the day for the benefits of the UMNO's uprising and will only add unnecessary load to the cause. Muhyiddin (Ku Li and Muhkriz too for that matter) must play it right this time around. They must bare in mind there will always be tendencies for Najib to make an abrupt U-Turn when the tides are against him. As I said previously, flip-flopping is highly contagious and Najib does have a tendency to catch that disease.
Muhyiddin, Ku Li and Mukhriz must subscribe to Murphy's Law that, "If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way" and the most famous adage of them all, "if anything can go wrong, it will."
What they can do now is to minimize those possibilities and identify as early as possible the role of the DPM and how will he fits in the equation. Will he flawed the team? They must anticipate all possibilities. After all they say politics is the art of the impossible! It is always within good measure for them to make the necessary precautions to make sure that those flaws cannot happen. Even to an extent of leaving out Najib from the team.
"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way". Now, Ku Li, Muhyiddin & Mukhriz, you guys don't want that to happen do you?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sudah tukar ka?
Bahagian tentukan pelan peralihan kuasa PM, TPM
KUALA LUMPUR 12 Sept. – Sebarang perubahan dalam pelan peralihan kuasa antara Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Perdana Menteri seharusnya ditentukan melalui mesyuarat bahagian UMNO, kata Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita pada Persidangan Perniagaan China Guandong-Malaysia di sini hari ini. - Utusan
Pelan peralihan kuasa yang kini sudah boleh diubah, kata Najiblah. Dulu dia kata macam lain, sekarang macam lainlah pulak. Kalau dulu dia 100% komited kepada pelan peralihan kuasa, sekarang ini dia kena tukar persenlah. Ikut angin, ikut musimlah katakan....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Flip-flopping: It's contagious!
Read more of Pakatan Rakyat's latest Press Statement here.
Change of script! It's now kind of official (despite the big guns of PR i.e., Anwar, LKS or Haji Hadi themselves, are not the ones co-signing the Press Statement concerned, for obvious reasons of course!), from the look of it there will be no 916 after all. For those expecting it to happen, don't hold your breath anymore. Breath easy now! Folks, I guess you can stop with the countdown too.
Seriously Pakatan Rakyat, enough with the shenanigans already!
The Press Statement also came with special dedication to UMNO's supporters. Wow!
Kami menyeru kepada rakyat Malaysia termasuk penyokong UMNO untuk bertenang dan tidak terperangkap dengan retorik perkauman. Marilah kita rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama berusaha keras untuk memperbaiki keadaan ekonomi kita yang semakin teruk dan menyambut perubahan yang akan memberi harapan baru kepada kita semua.
Muhyiddin Tak Patut!
PM terkejut kenyataan Muhyiddin
PUTRAJAYA 11 Sept. - Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini terkejut dengan tindakan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mempersoalkan tarikh peralihan kuasa pucuk pimpinan tertinggi negara yang telah dipersetujui akan diadakan pada 2010.
``Saya terkejut kerana dia adalah sebahagian daripada ahli Kabinet saya,'' katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Pelaksana Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC) Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Semalam, Muhyiddin dilaporkan menggesa Abdullah supaya memikirkan semula tarikh peralihan kuasa yang dijadualkan pada 2010 kerana tempoh tersebut terlalu lama.
Muhyiddin mendakwa, pelan peralihan yang telah diumumkan dua bulan lalu itu kini telah `tenggelam' dan rakyat tidak lagi memikirkan mengenainya. - Utusan
Movies over, fade to black!

After that (for the "Next Change") they'll screened an equally good show, a sequel to "Crouching MKTs, Hidden MPs", as continuance to the series titled "The Day after 16th September '08" (the title of the movie could change though, it could be "The Day after 20th September '08" or whatever depending on the leading man's whim and fancy!).
Why? Still glued to your seat? Not happy with the ending is it? What do you expect? This is a lowly budget sandiwara, not even a C rated movie. Everything's predictable. Oh, you want to see more brutality do you? Wrong movie bro & sis! This is as good as it gets.
Then again, count your blessings! All that tai-chis and silats, you would not find them anywhere else in other C rated movies. What about those special effects? Mesmerizing ain't it?
What about its box-office status? Millions of adoring fans. They just can't get enough of it. It's perplexing how this low budget movie could achieved such a feat. Must be the cult followings that it has over the years. This is a 51 years running cult classics, re-run over and over again, and despite all that, the crowd keep asking for more.
Peter Jackson, you have met your match! Martin Scorsese, who? A good review on recent movie, read Sakmongkol's Uncle Lah's Cabin
Movies over and you want what? "I want my money back!!"
"Denied, next show please!"
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Don't blog, tell it straight to Paklah, Najib or the VPs....

Instead of blogging them, Zahid said it was better for Dr Mahathir to discuss them through the proper channels.
“Personalities like Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or any of the party’s vice-presidents are very good listeners and very open-minded people,” he said.
Read more of Munteri Zahid's Dr M’s return to Umno welcomed, says Zahid
Anyone can arrange for me to meet up with these people personally? Need to get something off my chest-lah!
Whither Judicial Independence?
“In fact, my own position will be reviewed to Minister of Law to give me more authority but that will take time. You can’t have responsibility without authority,”
“When you want to effect change you need to coordinate and re-organise. For example, if you want magistrates to be re-trained today I can’t do much about it. I will have to go to the Judicial and Legal Commission.
The independence of judiciary or Judicial independence is the doctrine that decisions of the judiciary must be impartial and not subject to influence from the other branches of government or from private or political interests.
Not long ago, there were polemics in the legal fraternity and Malaysian generally when the cabinet decided to establish the Law Ministry during the time of TDM. The simple argument is that with judiciary answerable to a member of the executives (in this case, the Law Minister), we have breached the basic principle of "Separation of Powers" which is essential in any system of constitutional democratic and governance such as ours. On that score, the ministerial post was later abolished.
With this latest news, are we now in the midst of revisiting the same? All the talks about judicial reforms, is this another case of one step forwards, two steps back? As if there weren't enough interference with the administration of justice already that we now need another one! Are there ulterior motives behind the moves, now that the present CJ is on his way out of office? I hope not.
To digress a bit, here is something from Suara Keadilan on comments made by our future "full blown" Law Minister concerning "party hopping" Read Tidak ada undang-undang larang pindah parti - Zaid Ibrahim
He was quoted to say the followings;
“Dulu saya pernah mencadangkan supaya buat undang-undang ini tetapi tidak ada siapa yang mahu,” katanya ketika sidang media Hari Persidangan Hak Asasi Manusia di salah sebuah hotel pagi ini.
Katanya mengenai ura-ura penghijrahan beramai-ramai Ahli Parlimen BN ke Pakatan Rakyat Zaid enggan mengulas lanjut tentang perkara itu dan hanya berkata “Lompatlah.”
While Paklah explicitly said that he'll do whatever he can to prevent the same, the de facto Law Minister seems to have other ideas. Bravo Mr. full-blown-Law-Minister-to-be!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Permainan "robust" sesama sendiri dalam BN
“Tidak, anda silap mentafsirkannya. Kami sesekali tidak akan membenarkan perkara itu berlaku (BN berpecah belah atau menuju kehancuran). Kami seperti pasukan bola. Sangat agresif tetapi kami bermain permainan yang sama.
“Kami mensasarkan kepada satu gawang gol lawan supaya kami menang,” kata Abdullah, yang juga Pengerusi BN, kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Dewan Tertinggi BN di Menara Dato’ Onn di sini hari ini. Baca lagi (Utusan Malaysia-Terkini) BN tidak berpecah belah kata PM
Baguslah jika sudah kembali kepada konsultasi, kompromi dan konsensus semula.
Tetapi jangan main terlalu agresif sesama sendiri, nanti foul! Kena kad merah sebab kasari team-mates sendiri, untung besar pasukan lawan nanti bukan?
Never-ending Politics or Bread & Butter, you choose!
Too much hype and attention has been center on these unnecessary political ploys. It has been overly played up for nothing. The fact remains that BN holds the majority in the parliament and Pakatan Rakyat is the opposition coalition in parliament which has lost in GE-12. What Anwar has been trumpeting all the while, the 916 target, has now been politically out-maneuvered , out-played by the BN. There will not be any changes of seat location in parliament regarding the two factions, the government and the opposition. Not for now, not until the next GE.
What Anwar & Co. is trying to create will only leads to unhealthy precedent where in future there will be endless uncertainty in determining the ruling government of the day. It will be an infinite game. What if the very next day BN is toppled by this party hopping madness, they decided to start playing the same game against PR? There will be no foreseeable ending to it.
Changing government via party-hopping politicians may not be "evil" as someone described it, recently. But it is not only unethical it is also unconstitutional. Actually, there are no loop holes that can makes the action constitutionally legal, not in the case of 916 at least. It strikes to very basis of the constitution where it is clearly stated that government of the day must be, at all time, determined by the General Election.
Even you as voter has the right to put a stop to party hopping antics. Most of you voted for the party it represented not the politician personally. Especially so in the last general election. Where votes were given just because you just don't want to vote for the other party. Heck, most of us did not even know who was that fellow that we voted recently. As long it is not a rep from that party, that's where the votes will be, case in point is the boy in parliament with the camera. For those who have voted for the boy in camera for example, what do you feel if he the one that is jumping ship? Don't you want to put a stop to that?
We voted the political party not the politician per se. Most of us did. And on that score alone, if your elected parliamentarian jumped ship and joined the other side, I am of the opinion that you have the locus standi to put a stop to it.
You alone as legitimate voter can do this or better still, get some other voters from your constituents, together with them, you file a class action. File an injunction against the said elected representative, a permanent one, to put a stop to this madness. Yes, the other side will raised defences claiming there are no laws from stopping him or her to jump ship. No worries, you still have the constitution as legal authority to dispute that.
Firstly, it is constituted that government of the day is chosen vide General Election and no other means. Secondly, the fact that this opportunist parliamentarian jumping ship with intention to get around the law shows bad faith on his part and the party accepting him. Both are trying to get around the supreme law of the nation to achieve something which is clearly against the spirit of the constitution. They are actually deceiving the voters.
Now, they may also argue that there are no precedents in law to support your claim. Hey mister, that is what law is all about, it is not stagnant, it is a living thing, developing from time to time. "Ever heard of test case?", you should ask them back. Think outside the box for once.
It's all about respecting the wishes of the voters and upholding the constitution. It's about putting a stop to bad faiths and deceiving acts. The law does not condone such acts.
Constitutionally, government which is created by illegal means and unethical conduct of the parliamentarian concerned is open to challenges in the court of law. The people have voted therefore their wishes must be respected and the court as the guardian of the constitution must see to it.
Because of that, the same government established through party hopping parliamentarians will never be an effective government and it will be drag into endless legal tussles. Not just from the other political faction but from you as well as the legitimate voter. With that, could the same government function as it should in the first place?
Governments that are on perpetual lookouts over its MPs and members are not an effective governments. Governments that continuously dance to the tune of constant political mocking of MPs going to jump ships are not an effective government. Government that constantly on its toes and keep sending MPs for "study trips" is not an effective government. Today this may be the case with the BN government, likewise tomorrow the same could be happening to the PR government. The melee will never stop!
Without an effective government, the people will be the one suffering not the politician. Nothing gets done and nothing works. Just look at our government presently. The people must make these politicians to work for them not the other way around. We cannot fill our belly with incessant politickings, no?
Monday, September 08, 2008
Kalut (2)
“He will be asked to explain himself, after which we will decide what action will be taken against him,” Abdullah said.
“I’m very unhappy with what has happened and will take a firm stand on the issue,” he told reporters after meeting ambassadors and foreign dignitaries at Wisma Putra on Monday.
When briefed on a meeting earlier Monday in which Ahmad had asked Gerakan to leave the Barisan Nasional coalition, Abdullah said, “Ahmad should not blame other parties; it’s not for him to ask a component party to leave Barisan.” Baca lagi PM to Ahmad Ismail: Explain, or face action (The Star Online-Latest)
Seharusnya, Paklah memanggil kedua-duanya, Ahmad dan Koh, dalam bidangkuasanya sebagai Pengerusi BN. Kedua-duanya patut menunjuk sebab, bukan seorang sahaja. Paklah masih Pengerusi BN bukan?
Macam mana tidak dikatakan kalut, kedai-kedai Nasi Kandar pun menjadi mangsa kah? Zalim sungguh..haha! Tetapi petang tadi masa saya membeli juadah berbuka puasa di Nasi Kandar Sharif di Gelugor (warung), panjang lagi yang beratur membelinya, sehinggakan di dalam hujan renyai-renyai pun masih ramai yang sanggup beratur dan menunggu....haha
Laporan berita berkaitan insiden yang membawa kepada amarah Mamanda Perdana boleh dibaca di Malaysiakini bertajuk Ahmad: Saya sanggup hadapi risiko dan di Malaysian Insider bertajuk Ahmad Ismail blames Koh for tensions . Di bawah ini adalah video berita NTV7, yang memaparkan insiden berkenaan (ihsan blog Thinking of Life)
Namun begitu, Timbalannya pula keluarkan kenyataan, pendirian 13 Bahagian UMNO adalah bukan dasar UMNO.
Itu maknanya pendirian Presiden UMNO masa kini adalah bukan lagi dasar parti dan ianya disanggah dengan terang oleh Timbalannya. Tetapi satu Malaya tahu, Timbalan tetap komited dengan presidennya. Maka ahli-ahli pun semakin pening dibuatnya, yang mana satu dasar yang mana satu pendirian? Yang mana satu hendak disokong?
Tidak kalut lagikah begitu?
Seterusnya, pada masa sekarang bila mana parti-parti komponen mula menunjukkan taring dan bertindak mengugut UMNO, apa tindakan yang dilakukan? Masih keluarkan kenyataan, bahawa tidak nampak unsur ugutan di situ.
Payah sangatkah untuk UMNO sebagai tonggak dan tunjang BN, mengorak langkah serta-merta memanggil kesemua komponen parti dalam BN terutama Gerakan dan MCA yang begitu ghairah bersuara untuk duduk semeja dan mencapai satu kata sepakat secepat mungkin? Ini tidak, dibiarkan api di dalam sekam terus berlarutan.
Polisi permuafakatan dalam BN tidak diutamakan sebaliknya, polisi turun padang bila banjir pula yang diuar-uarkan.
Tidak kalut lagikah begitu?
Dalam menghadapi permainan perang saraf Pakatan Rakyat dan 16 Septembernya, apa pula strateginya? Anjurkan percutian sambil belajar. Lari dan sorokkan semua rakan-rakan komponen mereka. Bukannya tergerak di hati untuk menganjurkan satu "show of solidarity".
Tidak kalut lagikah begitu?
Nah, sekarang ada pula yang hendakkan 4 TPM? 4 orang, hendak buat apa?
Kalut bukan?
Hendak dikatakan tidak ada konvensyen (kebiasaan praktis dan prosedur) samada yang tersurat ataupun tersirat, peraturan dan kod etika untuk mengawal ahli ataupun parti komponen, sudah tentu tidak betul bukan? Berbagai peraturan, perlembagaan, konvensyen , prosedur dan kod etika telahpun dikanunkan, masakan tidak UMNO dan BN bukannya persatuan setahun jagung. Inilah mungkin yang dipanggil "dalam kalut ada peraturan, peraturan cipta kekalutan"....
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Latest UMNO membership application: Che Det?
The torn is coming back into the flesh? Excellent news! That should put some pressure on the one now helm the party.
After all, he has never really left UMNO. As they say, it's already in the blood. UMNO really need direction and inspiration currently instead of having guns pointing at its head by other component party members. UMNO, are you up to it?
Read also Mat Tomoi's Nana Non, Tun Mahathir & Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
Aiyaaa, ini macam punya kawan pun ada ka!!?
Baca juga Gerakan may quit Barisan (updated)
Tak habih-habih lagi ka brader sorang ni? Ingat dah settle dah semalam...
Kalau sudah tiada "peranan bermakna", jangankan Gerakan, UMNO sendiri pun kena keluar BN, brader....
Cakap kuat sangat, nanti kawan sendiri meluat!
Semangat setiakawan ala BN ke ni? Lupa dah kot "consultation, consensus & compromise"?
Najib responded toward the above, he said the followings;
Meanwhile, commenting on Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon's remarks at Selangor Gerakan delegates meeting today that the party might review its position in the BN, Najib said: "They have not made any decision to pull out of the BN and we value the contributions of all component parties in the coalition. Should problems arise, they can be discussed in the BN spirit and we will be having a meeting of the BN Supreme Council soon."
Asked if the remarks sounded like a threat, Najib said: "I do not view it such... what is important is that any issue that arises be resolved amicably the BN way to preserve team spirit and harmony."
Read more here for the above and on important announcement pertaining to "BN's Banjir Policy" from the man. Haiyaaa, ini "policy" pun mau kena highlight ka? Macam mana mau maju, mau jadi dynamic ni?
Kondisi Perekonomian Malaysia-Pasca 16 Sept 2008?
Antara lain ia melaporkan;
Selain memaparkan tentang manuver-manuver yang digunakan lawan politik untuk menjatuhkan dirinya, Anwar juga menyinggung kondisi perekonomian Indonesia. Menurut dia, Indonesia harus menyadari tidak bisa menyingkirkan diri dari perkembangan ekonomi global. “Wacana yang berkembang di Indonesia terlalu ekstrem. Terima IMF dan Bank Dunia atau tolak sama sekali. Saya tidak sependapat dengan pandangan itu. Indonesia menurut saya agak ekstrem. Saya tidak percaya dalam situasi global begini kita bisa berjalan sendiri,” katanya. Baca lagi di sini.
Tongkat dan tali daripada IMF dan Bank Dunia; previu apa yang mendatang kelak?
The Zulkifli Nordin Conundrum
Read more here.
Now, I wonder what will PAS reaction be towards the upcoming disciplinary proceeding against the parliamentarian. Will they take the safest stance possible and decline comment by citing that's an internal matter within PKR's household or will they stand by Zulkifli Nordin's side as there were support from PAS big guns and direct involvement by the party itself when the incident took place?
Furthermore can Pakatan Rakyat keep compartmentalizing issues which strike to the core of each its component parties ideologies and not deal with it on the pretext of minimizing the differences in ideologies among the Pakatan's component members? After all, politics are all about perception and if action is to be taken against the parliamentarian concerned will it not be perceived as that PKR does not endorsed PAS very own basic struggle and ideology?
What will DAP's reaction be? Will they support PKR's action against the said YB if the sentence to be meted out happen to be a lighter one? Will they keep quiet too if that is the eventual outcome? As we all know DAP was quite vocal in condemning the incident. The recent spat in parliament between Chong Eng and Zulkifli shows how strong DAP's objection is against Zulkifli's involvement in the demonstration.
And why on the 9th September? Just a day before Anwar's criminal case mention date and just 7 days before the most "anticipated event" of the year, at the time where solidarity in the said coalition is needed the most?
Will PKR's disciplinary committee reserved its judgment to a later date and risk itself the negative perception from DAP's all and sundry or will they instead condemned Zulkifli Nordin once and for all and risk itself the wrath of PAS and its members?
As for the public at large, the outcome of this proceeding, and how will PKR approach such a delicate issue which is closely related to the sensitivities of the masses, shall be interesting indeed as it is sort of a foretaste of what to come if and when Anwar is to become the chief executive of the nation.
From The Star Online;
When contacted, Zulkifli confirmed that he received the letter at his office in Kuala Lumpur.
"Maybe I will have to ask them to postpone the date to Sept 15 as I have a matter in court on Tuesday," he told The Star's Malay news portal mStar.
Read it here and SusanLoone's takes on the same issue here.